Senate Committees
The systemwide Academic Senate functions through its committees, which correspond to campus-level committees with similar responsibilities. The Academic Council acts as the executive arm of the Assembly of the Academic Senate, and meets monthly to carry forward Senate business and to consult with the President and other systemwide officials. The Council includes the chair of each Senate division, the chairs of eight major systemwide committees, and the chair and vice chair of the Council.
Standing and Special Committees and Task Forces
- Academic Council (COUNCIL)
The administrative arm of the Assembly of the Academic Senate.
- Academic Computing and Communications (UCACC)
Represents the Senate in matters involving the uses of computing and communications technology.
- Academic Council Special Committee on Laboratory Issues (ACSCOLI)
Provides Senate oversight of UC's relationship with the national laboratories.
- Academic Council Special Committee on Transfer Issues (ACSCOTI)
Provides the Academic Council with expertise on student transfer to UC.
- Academic Freedom (UCAF)
Studies and reports to the Assembly upon any condition within or outside the University.
- Academic Personnel (UCAP)
Considers general policy on academic personnel, including salary scales, appointments and promotions.
- Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Equity (UCAADE)
Considers general policies concerning affirmative action for academic personnel and academic programs.
- Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools (BOARS)
Oversees all matters relating to the admissions of undergraduate students.
- Committees (UCOC)
Appoints the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of all Senatewide committees.
- Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs (CCGA)
Advises the Senate and University administration on all matters regarding the promotion of research and learning related to graduate education.
- Editorial (EDIT)
Charged with oversight of the University of California Press.
- Educational Policy (UCEP)
Considers the establishment of curricula, colleges, schools, departments, institutes, and bureaus.
- Faculty Welfare (UCFW)
Considers and reports on matters concerning the economic welfare of the faculty including salaries, benefits, insurance, retirement, housing, and conditions of employment.
- Faculty Welfare Task Force on Investment and Retirement (TFIR)
Monitors policies and proposals relating to investment and retirement issues at UC.
- Faculty Welfare Task Force on UC Health Care Plans (HCTF)
Advises on health care coverage for UC faculty and staff and management of the University of California Health system.
- Faculty Welfare Task Force on Investment and Retirement (TFIR)
- International Education (UCIE)
Oversees all academic aspects of the UC Education Abroad Program.
- Intersegmental Committee of the Academic Senates (ICAS)
Academic Senate leaders from each of the three segments of public higher education in California.
- Library and Scholarly Communication (UCOLASC)
Advises the President concerning the administration of University libraries.
- Planning and Budget (UCPB)
Discusses and acts on systemwide budgetary, planning, and resource allocation issues.
- Preparatory Education (UCOPE)
Monitors and conducts periodic reviews and evaluations of preparatory and remedial education.
- English for Multilingual Students Advisory Group (EMS)
Monitors and reports on the language needs of students from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
- Entry Level Writing Requirement Coordinating Council (ECC)
Coordinates data collection about UC's Entry Level Writing Requirement and writing placement systems and disseminates recommendations.
- English for Multilingual Students Advisory Group (EMS)
- Privilege and Tenure (UCPT)
Considers general policies involving academic privileges and tenure.
- Research Policy (UCORP)
Fosters, formulates, coordinates, revises general research policies and procedures.
- Rules and Jurisdiction (UCRJ)
Examines and supervises all changes and additions in the Senate Bylaws and Regulations.