Reports and Recommendations
The following reports and recommendations have been approved by the Academic Council and/or the Academic Assembly. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view these files.2024-25
- Systemwide Senate Review of Presidential Policy on the Use of Animals in Research, Teaching, and Testing, memo from Chair Cheung to Vice President Maldonado (3/25)
- Report on the Future of Doctoral Programs at the University of California, memo from Chair Cheung to Senate Division Chairs and Executive Directors (2/25)
- Academic Senate Office Budgets & Re-Investing in Shared Governance, memo from Chair Cheung to President Drake (2/25)
- Credit for University of California Center Sacramento Courses, memo from Chair Cheung to Senate Divisions (2/25)
- Characteristics of Undergraduate Educational Quality at the University of California, memo from Chair Cheung to Provost Newman (12/24)
- Proposed Revisions to Program Attachments #3–7 to the Policy on Vaccination Programs, memo from Chair Cheung to Executive Vice President Rubin (10/24)
- Proposed Revisions to Presidential Policy on Externally Supplied Medications in UC Outpatient and Clinic Settings, memo from Chair Cheung to Executive Vice President Rubin (10/24)
- Implementation of Public Law 117-328: Incomplete grading policy for service members called to active duty, training, or state service, memo from Chair Cheung to Senate Divisions (10/24)
- Request for UC Online Annual Report, memo from Chair Cheung to Vice President & Vice Provost Gullatt (10/24)
- Recommendations for Protecting Academic Integrity and Intellectual Property, memo from Chair Cheung to Senate Divisions (10/24)
Program and School Approvals 2024-25:
- Shared Governance in Policy Compliance and Emergency Management, memo from Chair Steintrager to President Drake (8/24)
- Final Report of the APC Workgroup on Faculty Work & Recovery Post-Pandemic, memo from Chair Steintrager to Provost Newman (7/24)
- UCEP Review of the UC Washington Center (UCDC), memo from Chair Steintrager to Provost Newman (7/24)
- New and Revised UC Transfer Pathways, memo from Chair Steintrager to Vice President Gullatt (7/24)
- Assembly Recommendation on Proposed Amendments to Regents Policy 4400, memo from Chair Steintrager to President Drake (7/24)
- Assembly Action on Proposed Revisions to Senate Regulations 900 and 902, memo from Chair Steintrager to Academic Senate Division Chairs (6/24)
- Assembly Action on Revisions to Senate Bylaw 55 (Professor of Teaching), memo from Chair Steintrager to Academic Senate Division Chairs (6/24)
- Statement on Faculty Responsibility, memo from Chair Steintrager to Provost Newman (6/24)
- Report of the UC Systemwide Advisory Workgroup on Students with Disabilities, memo from Chair Steintrager to Vice President and Vice Provost Gullatt (6/24)
- Information Security Investment Plans, memo from Chair Steintrager to President Drake (6/24)
- President’s Response to Academic Council Re: Information Security Investment Plans, memo from President Drake to Chair Cheung (3/25)
- UC Academic Senate Opposition to Assembly Constitutional Amendment 6 (ACA 6), submitted to the California Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee (6/24)
- Five-Year Review of the UC Humanities Research Institute, memo from Chair Steintrager to Vice President Maldonado (6/24)
- UCEP Review of the UC Center in Sacramento, memo from Chair Steintrager to Provost Newman (5/24)
- Academic Council Statement on the UC Libraries’ Negotiations with Publishers Regarding Fair Use, Text and Data Mining, and Artificial Intelligence Usage Rights (5/24)
- Proposed Board of Regents Policy on Public and Discretionary Statements by Academic Units, memo from Chair Steintrager to Regent Leib (5/24)
- Assembly Action on Proposed Revisions to Senate Bylaw 55 (Department Voting Rights), memo from Chair Steintrager to Members of the Assembly of the Academic Senate and Academic Senate Division Chairs (4/24)
- Proposed Revisions to Presidential Policy BFB-BUS-50: Controlled Substances Use In Research and Teaching, memo from Chair Steintrager to Associate Vice President Confetti (4/24)
- 2024 Total Remuneration Study: Academic Council Recommendations and Concerns, memo from Chair Steintrager to Vice President Lloyd (4/24)
- Proposed Board of Regents Policy on Use of University Administrative Websites, memo from Chair Steintrager to Regent Leib (3/24)
- Regents Action to Disapprove Senate Regulation 630.E. (campus experience requirement for undergraduate degrees), letter from Chair Steintrager and Vice Chair Cheung to Regents Leib and Park (3/24)
- UC Academic Senate Opposition to Assembly Constitutional Amendment 14 (ACA 14), submitted to the California Assembly Committee on Labor and Employment (3/24)
- Proposed Revisions to Presidential Policy BFB-BUS-46: Use of University Vehicles, memo from Chair Steintrager to Vice President Confetti (3/24)
- Regional and Institutional Accreditation Terminology, memo from Chair Steintrager to Provost Newman (2/24)
- Proposed New Regents Policy on the Use of University Administrative Websites, memo from Chair Steintrager to President Drake (1/24)
- Best Practices for Divisional Committees on Planning and Budget, memo from Chair Steintrager to Senate Division Chairs and Executive Directors (1/24)
- Presidential Policy on Anti-Discrimination, memo from Chair Steintrager to Vice President Gullatt, Vice President Lloyd, and Vice Provost Haynes (12/23)
- Revised Presidential Policy on Vaccination Programs, memo from Chair Steintrager to Executive Vice Presidents Nava, Newman, and Rubin (12/23)
- Revised Presidential Policy on Inventions, Patents, and Innovation Transfer, memo from Chair Steintrager to Vice President Maldonado (11/23)
- Presidential Policy on Affiliations with Certain Health Care Organizations, Implementing Regents Policy 4405, memo from Chair Steintrager to Executive Vice President Rubin (10/23)
- Academic Senate Communication Protocols, memo from Chair Steintrager to Systemwide Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs and Senate Division Chairs and Vice Chairs (10/23)
- UC Academic Senate Opposition to Assembly Constitutional Amendment 6 (ACA 6) submitted to the California Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee (9/23)
Strike and Post-Strike Guidance 2024:
- UAW Strike Guidance from Systemwide Senate Leadership, memo from Chair Steintrager to Division Chairs (5/24)
Program and School Approvals 2023-24:
- Master in Management at UC Irvine (6/24)
- Master of Engineering in Medical Device Development at UC Davis (5/24)
- School of Population and Public Health (SPPH) at UC Irvine (5/24)
- School of Computing, Information, and Data Sciences (SCIDS) at UC San Diego (4/24)
- Master of Real Estate Development (MRED) at UCLA (12/23)
- Master of Public Health (MPH) at UC Riverside (10/23)
Academic Personnel Manual Reviews 2023-24:
- Proposed Revisions to APM 016 (Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline) (7/24)
- Proposed Revisions to APM 710 (Leaves of Absence/Sick Leave/Medical Leave) (4/24)
- Proposed Revisions to APM 285, Lecturer with Security of Employment Series (4/24)
- Proposed APM Section 672 (Negotiated Salary Program) (12/23)
- UC Academic Senate Opposition to Assembly Bill 1749, submitted to the California Senate Appropriations Committee (8/23)
- Request to Amend APM Titles for Lecturers with Security of Employment, memo from Chair Cochran to Provost Newman (8/23)
- Guidelines for Directed Studies Courses, memo from Chair Cochran to Senate Division Chairs (8/23)
- Academic Council Statement to BOARS, memo from Chair Cochran to BOARS Chair Barbara Knowlton (8/23)
- UCOPE Recommendations on the Digital SAT and Entry Level Writing Requirement, memo from Chair Cochran to Executive Director Yoon-Wu (8/23)
- Principles for Online Undergraduate Programs and Majors, and Standard Terminology Guide for Distance Education, memo from Chair Cochran to Provost Newman and Senate Division Chairs (7/23)
- Retention of Author Rights in License to Publish Agreements, memo from Chair Cochran to President Drake and Provost Newman (7/23)
- Resource for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Scholarly Communication, memo from Chair Cochran to Vice Provost Haynes and Senate Division Chairs (7/23)
- UC Assembly Amendments to Senate Regulation 479 (Cal-GETC), memo from Chair Cochran to ICAS Chair Beth Steffel and Immediate Past Chair Virginia May (6/23)
- UC Academic Senate Opposition to Assembly Bill 1749, letter from Chair Cochran to Senator Josh Newman, Chair of the California Senate Standing Committee on Education (6/23)
- Testimony Presented by James Steintrager, Academic Senate Vice Chair, June 28, 2023
- UC Presidential Clery Act Policy – Campus Safety and Security Reporting, memo from Chair Cochran to Vice Provost Haynes (6/23)
- UCOPE Recommendations on ELWR Satisfaction, memo from Chair Cochran to Executive Director Yoon-Wu (6/23)
- Five-Year Review of UC Institute of Transportation Studies MRU, memo from Chair Cochran to Vice President Maldonado (6/23)
- Five-Year Review of UC MEXUS MRU, memo from Chair Cochran to Vice President Maldonado (6/23)
- Presidential Policy on Inventions, Patents, and Innovation Transfer, memo from Chair Cochran to Vice Provost Haynes (6/23)
- Revisions to Presidential Policy on Responding to Immigration Enforcement Issues Involving Patients in UC Health Facilities, memo from Chair Cochran to Vice Provost Haynes (5/23)
- Plan for Academic Senate Review of UC Washington Center, memo from Chair Cochran to Provost Newman (5/23)
- Joint Benefits Committee Report on RASC Performance, memo from Chair Cochran to Vice President Lloyd (5/23)
- Request to Update the APM to Address Simultaneous Academic Misconduct Investigations and Personnel Actions, memo from Chair Cochran to Provost Newman (5/23)
- Revisions to Presidential Policy BFB-BUS-43 Purchases of Goods and Services; Supply Chain Management, memo from Chair Cochran to Vice Provost Haynes (5/23)
- Proposed Presidential Policy on Anti-Discrimination, memo from Chair Cochran to Vice Provost Haynes (5/23)
- Best Practices for Using Chat in Virtual Academic Senate Meetings, memo from Chair Cochran to Senate Division Chairs (4/23)
- UC Retirement Administration Service Center (RASC) delays in processing survivor and beneficiary benefits, memo from Chair Cochran to President Drake (3/23)
- UC Presidential Policy on Developing & Maintaining Presidential Policies, memo from Chair Cochran to Vice Provost Haynes (3/23)
- Assembly Approval of Revisions to Senate Regulations 610 and 630, memo from Chair Cochran to President Drake and Provost Newman (2/23)
- Request for Total Remuneration Study, memo from Chair Cochran to President Drake (2/23)
- Request for Comprehensive Benefits Survey, memo from Chair Cochran to President Drake (2/23)
- Faculty Salary Plan Follow-Up, memo from Chair Cochran to President Drake (2/23)
- Presidential Policy on Vaccination Programs – with Interim Amendments, memo from Chair Cochran to Vice Provost Haynes (1/23)
- Presidential Policy on Sustainable Practices 2022 Revisions, memo from Chair Cochran to Vice Provost Haynes (1/23)
- Report on Improving Access in Behavioral Health, memo from Chair Cochran to President Drake (12/22)
- UC Assembly Approval of Senate Regulation 479 (Cal-GETC), memo from Chair Cochran to ICAS Chair Virginia May (12/22)
- UC Entry Level Writing Requirement Fee, memo from Chair Cochran to President Drake (12/22)
- UCPB Report on Faculty Hiring, memo from Chair Cochran to President Drake (11/22)
- UCEP White Paper on Online Undergraduate Degree Programs, memo from Chair Cochran to Senate Division Chairs (11/22)
- Recommendations for Protecting Academic Integrity and Intellectual Property, memo from Chair Cochran to Senate Division Chairs (11/22)
- Recommendation to Change Default Retirement Choice Option, memo from Chair Cochran to President Drake (11/22)
- Guidance for Review of Academic Personnel Affected by the Pandemic, memo from Chair Cochran to Senate Division Chairs (11/22)
- Second Systemwide Review of Draft Presidential Policy on Abusive Conduct in the Workplace, memo from Chair Cochran to Vice Provost Haynes (11/22)
- Software Procurement and Implementation, memo from Chair Cochran to President Drake (10/22)
- Faculty Salary Competitiveness, memo from Chair Cochran to President Drake (10/22)
- Report of the Academic Planning Council Workgroup on the Review and Approval of Master’s Degree Programs, memo from Chair Cochran to President Drake (10/22)
- 2022 Systemwide UC Faculty Survey - Report and Recommendations, memo from Chair Cochran to President Drake (10/22)
- UC Community Safety Training Program, memo from Chair Cochran to President Drake (9/22)
Strike and Post-Strike Guidance 2022-23:
- Additional Guidance on Work Effort Reporting for Contracts and Grants (2/23)
- Guidance for Review of Academic Personnel Affected by the Academic Employee Strike (2/23)
- Post-Strike Guidance on University Service and Compensation for TAs, GSRs, and Postdoctoral/ Academic Researcher Employees (1/23)
- Post-Strike Guidance on University Service and Compensation for Faculty (1/23)
- Guidance on Effort Reporting for Grants and Contracts (12/22)
- Guidance on evaluating academic progress in the current term from Systemwide Senate Leadership (11/22)
- UAW Strike Guidance from Senate Leadership (11/22)
Program and School Approvals 2022-23:
- Master of Biotechnology (MBT) at UC Berkeley (7/23)
- Creative Technologies BA at UC Santa Cruz (7/23)
- Master of Climate Solutions (MCS) self-supporting graduate and professional degree program (SSGPDP) at UC Berkeley (6/23)
- Master of Management (MM) self-supporting graduate and professional degree program (SSGPDP) at UC Davis (5/23)
- Master of Advanced Study in Engineering (MAS-E) self-supporting graduate and professional degree program (SSGPDP) at UC Berkeley (4/23)
- Pre-Proposal for a School of Computing, Information, and Data Sciences (SCIDS) at UC San Diego (4/23)
- Conditions of Approval of Proposal for UC Berkeley College of Computing, Data Science and Society (4/23)
- College of Computing, Data Science and Society (CDSS) at UC Berkeley (4/23)
- Master of Data Science in Health (MDSH) at UC Los Angeles (2/23)
- Pre-Proposal for a School of Population and Public Health (SPPH) at UC Irvine (1/23)
- Proposal to establish a Master of Computational Social Sciences (MCSS) self-supporting graduate and professional degree program (SSGPDP) at UC Berkeley (1/23)
Academic Personnel Manual Reviews 2022-23:
- Proposed Revisions to APM 210, Review and Appraisal Committees: Mentoring (8/23)
- Proposed Revisions to APM 710, Leaves of Absence/Sick Leave/Medical Leave (8/23)
- Second Systemwide Review of Proposed Revisions to APM 025 and 671, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members (11/22)
- Report on the State of Shared Governance at the University of California in 2021-22, memo from Chair Horwitz to President Drake (9/22)
- Sabbatical Credits for UC Faculty, memo from Chair Horwitz to President Drake (8/22)
- Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program Reminder, memo from Chair Horwitz and Vice Chair Cochran (8/22)
- UCPB Rebenching Workgroup Report and Recommendations, memo from Chair Horwitz to President Drake (8/22)
- Request to amend the Academic Personnel Manual to include "Achievement Relative to Opportunities" (ARO) principles, memo from Chair Horwitz to Provost Brown (8/22)
- Academic Council endorsement of the @UCStudentDebtChallenge campaign, memo from Chair Horwitz to Provost Brown and Vice President Lloyd (8/22)
- Mitigating the Effects of Covid on Graduate Students, memo from Chair Horwitz to President Drake (7/22)
- GSR Unionization and Proposed Workgroup to Explore the Future of Graduate Student Funding, memo from Chair Horwitz to Provost Brown (7/22)
- Impacts of New Oracle Financial Accounting Software, memo from Chair Horwitz to President Drake (7/22)
- Recommendations to the UC Online Advisory Council for Data Collection and Reporting, memo from Chair Horwitz to Vice President Gullatt (7/22)
- Report of the Negotiated Salary Trial Program Phase 2 Taskforce, memo from Chair Horwitz to Provost Brown (7/22)
- Proposed Presidential Policy on Affiliations with Certain Healthcare Organizations, memo from Chair Horwitz to Vice Provost Carlson (6/22)
- Five-Year Review of the Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation MRU, memo from Chair Horwitz to Vice President Maldonado (6/22)
- Five-Year Review of The Dickens Project MRU, memo from Chair Horwitz to Vice President Maldonado (6/22)
- UC Leadership on Reproductive Rights, memo from Chair Horwitz to President Drake (6/22)
- Next Steps for Senate Review of Online Degrees, memo from Chair Horwitz to Provost Brown (6/22)
- Memorial to the Regents on Reducing Fossil Fuel Consumption, memo from Chair Horwitz to President Drake (6/22)
- Recommendations for Department Political Statements, memo from Chair Horwitz to Senate Division Chairs (6/22)
- Recommendations for Lecturers with Security of Employment Serving on Divisional Committees on Academic Personnel, memo from Chair Horwitz to Senate Division Chairs, Provost Brown, and Vice Provost Carlson (6/22)
- Joint Senate-Administration Mitigating COVID-19 Impacts on Faculty Working Group Final Report, transmittal from Chair Horwitz to Senate Division Chairs (5/22)
- Retirement Choice Plan Modeling Tool, memo from Chair Horwitz to Senate Division Chairs (5/22)
- Revised Recommendations for the Use of DEI Statements for Academic Positions at UC, memo from Chair Horwitz to Senate Division Chairs and Provost Brown (5/22)
- Faculty Retiree Experiences with RASC, memo from Chair Horwitz to President Drake (5/22)
- Proposed Presidential Policy on UC Research Data (Second Round Review), memo from Chair Horwitz to Vice Provost Carlson (4/22)
- Proposed Revisions to the Presidential Policy on Supplement to Military Pay, memo from Chair Horwitz to Vice Provost Carlson (4/22)
- UCOPE Recommendation for ELWR Satisfaction by Alternative Placement Processes, memo from Chair Horwitz to Senate Division Chairs (4/22)
- Seven-Year Review of the NRS California Ecology and Conservation Field Course, memo from Chair Horwitz to Provost Brown (4/22)
- Academic Council Statement on Critical Race Theory and Academic Freedom (April 27, 2022)
- Support for Reinstatement of the CDL Shared Collections Budget, memo from Chair Horwitz to Provost Brown (3/22)
- Response to Calls for Universal Hybrid Instruction, memo from Chair Horwitz to President Drake (3/22)
- Fertility Benefits, memo from Chair Horwitz to President Drake (3/22)
- Recommendations to Senate Divisions on the Mandated Recording of Classes, memo from Chair Horwitz to Senate Division Chairs (3/22)
- Approval of Revision to Senate Regulation 478 (IGETC Area 7), memo from Chair Horwitz to Provost Brown (2/22)
- Follow-up to Council Resolution on Dependent Care, memo from Chair Horwitz to President Drake (2/22)
- Input on Proposed Equity/Market Adjustment to Faculty Salaries for 2022-23, memo from Chair Horwitz to Vice Provost Carlson (2/22)
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the APM, memo from Chair Horwitz to President Drake (2/22)
- Proposed Presidential Policy on Abusive Conduct/Bullying in the Workplace, memo from Chair Horwitz to Vice Provost Carlson (2/22)
- The Future of Remote and Hybrid Work for UC Staff, memo from Chair Horwitz to COO Nava (2/22)
- Proposed Presidential Policy on Integrated Pest Management, memo from Chair Horwitz to Vice Provost Carlson (12/21)
- Revised Presidential Policy on Sustainable Practices, memo from Chair Horwitz to Vice Provost Carlson (12/21)
- Recommendations to Senate Divisions about Responding to Remote Teaching Requests from TAs and GSIs, memo from Chair Horwitz to Senate Division Chairs (12/21)
- Statement of Concern Regarding Presidential Proclamation 10043, memo from Chair Horwitz to President Drake (12/21)
- Approval of UCOPE request to extend the waiver of Senate Regulation 636.B and 636.C (alternative placement processes for new students) to summer, and fall 2022, memo from Chair Horwitz to Senate Division Chairs (12/21)
- Revised Presidential Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, memo from Chair Horwitz to Vice Provost Carlson (11/21)
- Academic Council Statement on Collective Bargaining Negotiations with “Unit 18” Lecturers, memo from Chair Horwitz to President Drake (10/21)
- Smarter Balanced Study Group Report and Recommendations, memo from Chair Horwitz to President Drake (9/21)
- Resolution on Dependent Care, memo from Chair Horwitz to President Drake (9/21)
- Recommendations for Protecting Academic Integrity and Intellectual Property, memo from Chair Horwitz to Senate Division Chairs (9/21)
- Extension of Guidance on Divisional Flexibility for Grading Options in the 2021-22 Academic Year, memo from Chair Horwitz to Senate Division Chairs (9/21)
Program and School Approvals 2021-22:
- Simple Name Change for the School of Education at UC Berkeley (4/22)
- Proposal for an Eighth Undergraduate College at UC San Diego (3/22)
- Simple Name Change for the School of Optometry at UC Berkeley (1/22)
- UC San Diego Proposal to Reorganize Academic Divisions into Schools (1/22)
- Pre-Proposal for a College of Computing, Data Science, and Society at UC Berkeley (10/21)
Academic Personnel Manual Reviews 2021-22:
- Proposed Revisions to APM 715, Leaves of Absence/Family and Medical Leave and APM 760, Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing, memo from Chair Horwitz to Provost Brown (7/22)
- Proposed Revisions to APM 025 and 671, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members (1/22)
- Proposed Revisions to APM 759, Leaves of Absence/Other Leaves Without Pay (1/22)