Reports and Recommendations 2006-07 to 2010-11
The following reports and recommendations have been approved by the Academic Council and/or the Academic Assembly. Adobe Acrobat Readeris required to view these files.
- Review of Self-Supporting Programs, Memo from Chair Simmons to Provost Pitts, (8/11)
- Guidelines for the Review of new Self-Supporting Programs, Memo from Chair Simmons to Provost Pitts (4/11)
- Policy on Self-Supporting Graduate Degree Programs, Memo from Chair Simmons to Provost Pitts (2/11)
- Working Smarter Matrix, Memo from Chair Simmons to EVP Brostrom & CFO Taylor (8/11)
- Senate participation on Working Smarter Project Teams, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof and CFO Taylor (6/11)
- Working Smarter Initiative, Memo from Chair Simmons to to President Yudof (3/11)
- Report of the Academic Council Implementation Task Force, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof, Provost and EVP Pitts, and EVP Brostrom (8/11)
- Academic Council Special Committee on a Plan for the University of California, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof (7/11)
- Senate Comments on the Report of the Library Planning Task Force, Memo from Chair Simmons to Provost and EVP Pitts (8/11)
- Senate Editorial Committee Resolution on the UC Press’s Flashpoint Series, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof (8/11)
- UCAP Recommendation to Replace “Above Scale” with “Distinguished Professor” in the APM, Memo from Chair Simmons to Vice Provost Carlson (8/11)
- UCFW Request for Review of APM-510: Intercampus Transfers, Memo from Chair Simmons to Vice Provost Carlson (8/11)
- Comments on the April 2010 Report and Recommendations of the Task Force on Senate Membership (7/11)
- Request for UCOE Evaluation Plan, Memo from Chair Simmons to Provost Pitts (7/11)
- Online Education Pilot Program Project Plan, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof, Provost Pitts, and Dean Edley (5/11)
- Online Education Pilot Program, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof (5/11)
- Academic Council Resolution on Campus Budget Allocations, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof (7/11)
- Articulation of courses with California Community Colleges, Memo from Chair Simmons to Divisional Senate chairs (7/11)
- UC Decisions Relating to the Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof (7/11)
- Academic Council Resolution on Tuition and Fees, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof and Provost Pitts (6/11)
- Proposal to Rename Certain "Fees" as "Tuition," memo from Senate Chair Simmons to Provost Pitts (10/10)
- Guidelines for Conversion of an Existing Graduate Degree Program from State-supported to Self-supported Status and from Self-supported to State-supported Status, Memo from Chair Simmons to Provost Pitts (6/11)
- Revision of Principles for Non-Resident Enrollment, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof and Provost Pitts (6/11)
- UCEP Policy on Approval for Systemwide Courses, Memo from Chair Simmons to Provost Pitts (6/11)
- UC Systemwide Courses/SR 544, Memo from Chair Simmons to Provost Pitts (5/11)
- UC Seminar Network, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof, Provost Pitts, Vice President Dooley, and Vice President Beckwith (6/11)
- Metric for Funding Admissions, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof and Provost Pitts (6/11)
- Online Education Pilot Program, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof (5/11)
- UCEP and UCAP Letters on Ladder Rank Faculty, Memo from Chair Simmons to Provost Pitts (4/11)
- Recommendations for the Governance of Multicampus Research Entities, Memo from Chair Simmons to Provost Pitts (4/11)
- Academic Council Special Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof and Vice President Dooley (3/11)
- Redirection of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) Endowment Funds, Memo from Chair Simmons to Vice President Dan Dooley (2/11)
- Funding Streams Proposal, Memo from Chair Simmons to Provost Pitts (3/11)
- Report on Senate Efforts to Streamline Transfer, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof (2/11)
- Rebenching Task Force and Rebenching Principles, Memo from Chair Simmons to Provost Pitts and EVP Brostrom (12/10)
- Draft Regents’ Resolution on Holistic Review, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof (12/10)
- Faculty Salary Scales and Proposed Salary Increase, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof (12/10)
- Funding for Divisional Senate Offices, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof (12/10)
- Allocation of Funds for Enrollment Growth, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof (12/10)
- Academic Council Resolution on Post-Employment Benefits, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof (10/10)
- Academic Council Letter on Post-Employment Benefits and Resolution on STIP Borrowing and the Post-Employment Benefits Finance Plan, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof (11/10)
Academic Personnel Manual Reviews 2010-11:
- Proposal to Revise APM-010 and 015, Memo from Chair Simmons to President Yudof (2/11)
- Council Comments on UCPB's Choices Report, Memo from Chair Powell to UCPB Chair Krapp (8/10)
- Senate Response to the First Round of the Working Group Recommendations, Memo from Chair Powell to President Yudof (6/10)
- Senate Response to the Second Round of the Working Group Recommendations (8/10)
- Area ‘d’ Laboratory Science Admission Requirement/EESS Courses, Memo from Chair Powell to Davis Divisional Chair Powell (8/10)
- Report of the Senate Special Committee on Remote and Online Instruction and Residency, Memo from Chair Powell to President Yudof (7/10)
- BOARS’ Report on Comprehensive Review, Memo from Chair Powell to President Yudof (6/10)
- BOARS Memo on UC Eligibility Reform and its Impact on Diversity, Memo from Chair Powell to President Yudof (1/10)
- Proposals for New Professional Degree Fees, Memo from Academic Council to Provost Pitts (6/10)
- Differential Fees Proposal, Memo from Chair Powell to President Yudof (1/10)
- CCGA White Paper on the State of Graduate Education at the University of California (5/10)
- Endorsement of Online Learning Pilot Project, Memo from Chair Powell to Provost Pitts and Vice Provost Greenstein (5/10)
- Recommendations for DANR Review Metrics, Memo from Chair Powell to Provost Pitts and Vice President Dooley (5/10)
- UCORP-UCPB Report on UC’s Indirect Cost Recovery Practices, Memo from Chair Powell to President Yudof (5/10)
- Council Comments on the EAP Task Force Final Report, Memo from Chair Powell to Provost Pitts (3/10)
- UOEAP Executive Director Position Description, Memo from Chair Powell to Provost Pitts (11/09)
- UCFW Statement on Assuring Adequate Funding for UCRP, Memo from Chair Powell to President Yudof (3/10)
- Memo on Consultation and Shared Governance, Memo from Chair Powell to President Yudof (3/10)
- UCAAD Statement on Racist Incidents at UCSD, Memo from Chair Powell to President Yudof (2/10)
- Report of the Undergraduate Educational Effectiveness Task Force, Memo from Chair Powell to Provost Pitts (2/10)
- Defunding of StatFinder, Memo from Chair Powell to President Yudof (2/10)
- BOARS Report to the Regents on Admissions Tests and UC Principles for Testing, Memo from Chair Powell to President Yudof (1/10)
- Proposed SMG policies, Memo from Chair Powell to Vice President for Human Resources Duckett (12/09)
- Furlough Exception for Faculty on Reduced Pay Sabbaticals, Memo from Chair Powell to Provost Pitts (12/09)
- Impact of the Implementation of the Furlough Policy on Research, Memo from Chair Powell to President Yudof (11/09)
- Open letter from the Academic Council to the University of California Community regarding the Budget Protests (11/09)
- Concerns over Graduate Student Fee Increases, Memo from Chair Powell to President Yudof (11/09)
- Importance of Budget Advocacy, Memo from Chair Powell to President Yudof (10/09)
- 2008-09 Plutonium Pits Production Report, Second Annual Report from President Yudof to the Academic Assembly (10/09)
- Response to an Open Letter to UC Faculty From the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Letter from Chair Powell and Vice Chair Simmons to the AAUP (9/09)
- Non-Podium Instructional Days, Letter from Chair Powell and Vice Chair Simmons to the Senate Divisional Chairs (9/09)
- Academic Council Comments on the Implementation of Furlough Days on Instructional Days, Memo from Chair Croughan to Interim Provost Pitts (8/09)
- Academic Senate Comments on Furlough/Salary Reduction Plan Options, Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (7/09)
- Systemwide Academic Senate Comments on SOR 100.4, Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (6/09)
- Documentation of Academic Council Consultation regarding SOR 100.4 and Furloughs, Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (8/09)
- Principles to Guide Fiscal Decision-Making and Planning for the Future of the University of California, Memo from Chair Croughan to Interim Provost Pitts (8/09)
- Recommendations regarding the Cal Teach Program, Memo from Chair Croughan to Interim Provost Pitts (8/09)
- An Open Letter to the Faculty on Textbook Affordability, Memo from Chair Croughan to UC Faculty Members (8/09)
- Principles for Non-Resident Undergraduate Enrollment at the University of California, Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (8/09)
- Support for Enrollment Cuts, Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (3/09)
- Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR) Academic Senate Review, Memo from Chair Croughan to Interim Provost Pitts (8/09)
- Academic Council's Letter on 'Stratification' (Response to the San Diego Department Chairs’ Letter), Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (8/09)
- UCEP White Paper on Impacted Undergraduate Majors, Memo from Chair Croughan to Interim Provost Pitts (8/09)
- Academic Council Comments on the "UC Commission on the Future", Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (8/09)
- Academic Council Support of Federal Research Public Access Act (S.1373), Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (8/09)
- Letter from Academic Senate Leaders Describing Academic Authors' Concerns Related to the "Google Settlement" (8/09)
- Academic Assembly Resolution to Grant Special Honorary Degrees to Students Affected by Executive Order 9066 during World War II, Memo to President Yudof (6/09)
- Academic Assembly Resolution Opposing ACA 24 and SCA 21, Memo to President Yudof (6/09)
- Principles to Guide Fiscal Decision-Making in the Current Budget Environment, Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (6/09)
- Coordination of Budget Planning and UC’s Future, Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (6/09)
- Academic Council Recommendation to Ensure Adequate Funding for UCRP, Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (6/09)
- Endorsement of the Restart of Contributions to UCRS, Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (2/09)
- Market Turmoil and the UCRP Lump Sum Cashout, UCFW Statement, Approved by Academic Council (2/09)
- Evaluating UCRP Investment Returns: a Statement by the University of California Academic Senate, the University Committee on Faculty Welfare, and the Task Force on Investment and Retirement (3/09)
- Academic Council Statement on RFP for Outsourcing of UCRP Benefits Administration :memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (9/08)
- Promoting Open Access Policies, Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (6/09)
- Request for Addition to the UC Diversity Statement, Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (5/09)
- Comments Regarding Compliance with Mandatory Training Programs, Memo from Chair Croughan to Interim Provost Larry Pitts (4/09)
- Comments Regarding the Shared Research Computing Pilot Project, Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (4/09)
- Concerns Related to the MRU/MRPI Request for Proposals, Memo from Chair Croughan to EVP Steve Beckwith (4/09)
- New Capital Funding Strategy/Proposed Revenue Bond Issue, Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (3/09)
- Expenditure and Accountability of New Funds Allocated to Graduate Student Support, Memo from Chair Croughan to Interim Provost Pitts (3/09)
- Approval of Graduate Academic Certificate Programs, Memo from Chair Croughan to Interim Provost Pitts (3/09)
- Effects of Academic Affairs Restructuring on the Academic Senate, Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (3/09)
- Appendix E, Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (3/09)
- Academic Senate Comments on the Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan, Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (2/09)
- Academic Council Comments on the Proposed Business Plan for the Education Abroad Program :Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (1/09)
- Council Comments on the Report of the Subcommittee on the Professional Doctorate :Memo from Chair Croughan to Vice President Beckwith (1/09)
- Council Comments on the Draft UC Accountability Framework: Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (1/09)
- Proposed Administrative Sanctions for Failure to Take Mandatory Sexual Harassment Prevention Training :Memo from Chair Croughan to Interim Provost Grey (1/09)
- Assembly Action on UC Irvine Division Request for Variances to SR 780 and SR810A :Memo from Chair Croughan to Irvine Division Chair Huckhausen (1/09)
- Academic Council Response to a CSHE Critique of Eligibility Reform Proposal :Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (1/09)
- Prediction of College GPA from New SAT Test Scores – A First Look :A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the California Association for Institutional Research (CAIR), November 16, 2007; by Sam Agronow, Coordinator, and Roger Studley, Assistant Director, Admissions Research and Evaluation University of California, Office of the President
- Five-year Academic Review of the California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3) :Memo from Chair Croughan to Interim Provost Grey (1/09)
- Assembly Approval of Proposed Amendment to Bylaw 337 – Privilege and Tenure :Divisional Committees – Early Termination Cases (12/08)
- Proposed Changes to Policy on Re-employment of UC Retired Employees :Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (12/08)
- Appreciation of 2009-10 University Budget :Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (12/08)
- Approval of the Reconstitution of the UCR Anderson Graduate School of Management: Memo from Chair Croughan to Interim Provost Grey (12/08)
- Council Comments on SMG Policies :Memo from Chair Croughan to President Yudof (12/08)
- Concerns about Diversity Research and Implementation :Memo from Chair Croughan to Interim Provost Grey (12/08)
- Approval of UC Irvine's Proposal to Establish a Master of Public Policy Degree Program :Memo from Chair Croughan to Interim Provost Grey (10/08)
- Proposed Changes to UC Effort Reporting Policy :Memo from Council Chair Croughan to Vice President Beckwith (10/08)
Academic Personnel Manual Reviews 2008-09:
- Proposed Revisions to APM-010 (Principles for Freedom of Student Scholarly Inquiry), Memo from Memo from Academic Council Chair Croughan to Interim Provost Pitts (8/09)
- Proposed Revisions to APM-240 (Deans' Policy):
- Proposed Revisions to APMs 110-4, 230-17, 230-18, 279-20, 360-80, 520-4, 710-14, 710-38, 710-46; and addition of APM-765, Memo from Council Chair Croughan to Interim Provost Grey (1/09)
- Re-establishment of CCGA's Authority over Reviews of First Professional Degree Proposals, Memo from Academic Council to Provost Grey (8/08)
- Implementation of RE-89 – Restrictions on Tobacco Company-Funded Research, Memo from Chair Brownto Senate Divisional Chairs (8/08)
- Results of Program Review Practices Survey, Memo from Chair Brown to Provost Grey (8/08)
- Proposal to Reform UC's Freshman Eligibility Policy, memo from the Academic Assembly to President Yudof (6/08)
- American Indian Tribal Affiliation as a Factor in Undergraduate Admissions, Memo fromChair Brown to Vice President for Student Affairs Sakaki (8/08)
- Report on the English as a Second Language (ESL) Needs of Transfer Students, Memo from Chair Brown to Provost Grey (8/08)
- Proposed Assembly Constitutional Amendment No. 5, Memo from Chair Brown to President Yudof (7/08)
- UC Merced Budget Concerns, memo from Chair Brown to President Yudof (7/08)
- Outsourcing of Benefits Administration, memo from Chair Brown to EVP Lapp (7/08)
- Salary Scale Funding Priorities for Year 2, memo from Chair Brown to President Yudof (7/08)
- UCRP Funding Policy, memo from Chair Brown to President Yudof (7/08)
- Proposed Amendment to Section 5150 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code, memo from Chair Brown to Director Haden (6/08)
- 'Non-Progressing' Faculty Members, memo from Chair Brown to President Yudof and Provost Hume (6/08)
- Contingent Approval of a New School of Medicine at UCR, memo from Council to Provost Hume (6/08)
- Review of the ITGC Report, "Creating a UC Cyberinfrastructure", memo from Council to Provost Hume (6/08)
- Revised Code of Conduct for Health Sciences Faculty, memo from Council to Provost Hume (6/08)
- Assembly Resolution on Limiting UC's Role in Manufacturing Nuclear Weapons, 2/08)
- Allocating Net Fee Income Received from the DOE National Laboratories, memo from Council to Vice President Beckwith (6/08)
- Policy on Supplement to Military Pay, memo to Chief HR Officer Monroe (6/08)
- Proposed Modified Regulations and Guidelines Governing Participation of Graduate Students in Delivering University Instruction, Including Proposed Modifications to APM-410-4a, -4b, and -20a, memo from Council to Provost Hume (5/08)
- Staff Academic Reduction in Time (START) program, memo to AVP Boyette (4/08)
- Endowment Cost Recovery Rate and Endowment Payout, memo to EVP Lapp (4/08)
- Statement on the Faculty Salary Plan, from Council to President Dynes (4/08)
- The Cuts Report (Report on the Cuts Proposed by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger), from Council to President Dynes (4/08)
- Request for Systemwide Review of the UC Law Faculty Salary Scales, from Council to Provost Hume (3/08)
- Student Freedom of Scholarly Inquiry Principles, memo from the Assembly to President Dynes (3/08)
- Statement on Animal Research, memo from Council to President Dynes (3/08)
- Support for Sustainable SMI Funding, memo from Council to Provost Hume (3/08)
- Request for a Joint Senate/Administrative Committee to Establish a Funding Mode for Graduate Education, from Council to Provost Hume, (3/08)
- Council Response to the Report of the Joint UCOP/Senate Ad Hoc Committee on International Education (3/08)
- WASC Report, memo from Council to President Dynes (1/08)
- WASC's Final Report (2/08)
- Proposed Regulations Governing Conduct of Non-Affiliates, memo to EVP Lapp (1/08)
- Response to Council's Comments on Proposed Regulations Governing Conduct of Non-Affiliates, memo to Chair Brown from EVP Lapp (4/08)
- Proposed Regulations Governing Conduct of Non-Affiliates, out for Senate review (11/07)
- Academic Council Response to the Campus Security Task Force Draft Report (12/07)
- Proposal on Guidelines Regarding Vendor Relations, Council's response (12/07)
- Revised Proposal on Guidelines Regarding Vendor Relations, Divisional review (10/07)
Academic Personnel Manual Reviews 2007-08:
- Proposed revisions to Academic Personnel Policy 220-85-b, Professor Series; Academic Personnel Policy 335-10-a, Cooperative Extension Advisor Series; and Academic Personnel Policy 740-11-c, Leaves of Absences/Sabbatical Leave; and Proposed Rescission of Academic Personnel Policy 350, Postgraduate Research (e.g. Physicist), memo from Council to Vice Provost Nicholas Jewell (7/08)
- Proposed Revisions to APM-080, 710, 711, memo to Provost Hume (5/08)
- Proposed Changes to APM-220-18.b(4) (Criteria for Professor Step VI and Above Scale), memo to Provost Hume (1/08)
- UCOP Report on Differential Fee Programs and New Data on Self-Supporting Graduate Degree Programs, Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs Request for, memo from Academic Council to Provost Hume (8/07)
- An Introductory Guide to UC’s Ties to LANS LLC and LLNS LLC and their Management of the Weapons Labs at Los Alamos and Livermore, prepared by Council Chair Oakley and University Counsel Bill Eklund (8/07)
- Advice to the Advisory Committee for Review of Interim Job Slotting Process, memo from Council to Regent Hopkinson and EVP Darling (8/08)
- Draft Guiding Principles for Policy Setting and Compensation Governance, Academic Council Comments on the UCOP Governance Work Team's, memo to President Dynes (8/08)
- The University of California Retirement Plan (UCRP), Council Statement and memo to President Dynes (8/07)
- Request for Estimates of Fiscal Impact and Proposed Template, Council memo to President Dynes (8/07)
- Academic Council Priorities for 07-08 Allocation of Net Fee Income, memo to President Dynes (7/07)
- President Dynes' response (8/07)
- Draft Proposal on Guidelines Regarding Vendor Relations, memo from Academic Council to Director Jaffe (7/07)
- Academic Council Resolution on the Transcript Evaluation Service to Provost Hume (7/07)
- Proper Use of the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE), proposed Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates (ICAS) resolution, memo from Council to ICAS (7/07)
- Policy for Addressing Religious Holiday Conflicts with Residence Hall "Move-In" Days, memo from Council to Provost Hume (7/07)
- Proposed University of California Open Access Policy memo from Council to Provost Hume (7/07)
- Ten Grand Challenges, University Committee on Information Technology and Telecommunications Policy's (ITTP) list of long-term information technology goals (6/07)
- Response to RE-89, the Proposed Regents' Policy Restricting University Acceptance of Funding from the Tobacco Industry, Assembly of the Academic Senate (5/07)
- Response to Regent Moores Regarding Questions Around The Regents' Proposed RE-89 - Adoption of a Policy Restricting University Acceptance of Funding from the Tobacco Industry, memo from Chair Oakley to Regent Moores (3/07)
- Council Report on Institutional Review Boards at UC, memo to Provost Hume (5/07)
- Academic Senate Resolution Calling for the Rejection of the Senior Leadership Compensation Group Salary Structure that Differentiates Grades by Campus, (5/07)
- Plans to Establish a Trust to Comply with New Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Relating to Annuitant Health Benefits Obligations, Council memo to President Dynes (5/07)
- Proposed Revisions and Modifications to the Mortgage Origination Program, Council and memo to President Dynes (5/07)
- Comments on the Proposed Presidential Policy and Guidelines on Stewardship of Electronic Information Resources, memo to Associate VP Kristine A. Hafner (3/07)
- Current Budget Trends and the Future of the University of California "UCPB Futures Report", memo to President Dynes (1/07)
- Safeguarding the University's Future: Academic Council Resolution on Returning UC to a Sound Fiscal Basis, memo to President Dynes (1/07)
- Recommendations of the Joint Senate/UC Office of Research Multicampus Research Unit (MRU) Workgroup, Council response (12/06)
- Recommendations of the Joint Senate/UCOP Workgroup on Multicampus Research Units, out for Senate review (8/06)
- Proposed Guiding Principles for Professional School Fees, Council response (12/06)
- Implementation of the President's Task Force on Faculty Diversity, the role of the Universitywide Committee on Affirmative Action and Diversity:
- Total Remuneration and the 2007-2008 Budget: An Academic Council Analysis and Recommendation, memo to President Dynes (11/06)
- Assignment of the Budget Function at the Office of the President, memo from Academic Council to President Dynes (11/06)
- Academic Senate Resolutions on the Research-Funding Issue, memo from the Assembly to President Dynes (10/06)
- Statement of the Academic Senate on Interaction Between UC's Faculty and UC-Associated National Laboratories, memo from the Assembly to President Dynes (10/06)
Academic Personnel Manual Reviews 2006-07:
- Proposed Amendments to APM 620- Policy on Off-Scale Salaries, Systemwide Senate Review of, memo to Provost Hume from Academic Council (8/07)
- Proposed Amendment to APM 220-18.b(4): Advancement to Professor Step VI and Above Scale, Academic Council's, memo to Provost Hume (4/07)