Issues Under Review 2006-07 to 2010-11
- Systemwide review of Library Planning Task Force Report
- Systemwide Review of Technical Revisions to APM
- Systemwide Review of "Funding Streams" Proposal
- Review of Policy on Self-Supporting Part-Time Graduate Professional Degree Programs
- Proposed Amendments to APM 010 and 015
- Systemwide Review of the Report of the Post-Employment Benefits Task Force
- Systemwide Review of Council Recommendation and UCLA Statement on the
Future of the University - Proposal to Rename UC "Fees" as "Tuition"
- Request for Informal Comment on New Commission on the Future Recommendations
- Report and Recommendations of the Task Force on Senate Membership
- Systemwide Review of Proposed Revisions to Academic Personnel Policies relating to Faculty Administrators
- The Compendium: Universitywide Review Processes for Academic Programs, Academic Units, & Research Units
- Systemwide Review of Proposal to Expand the Area (d) Laboratory Science Admission Requirement to Include Earth, Environmental, and Space Sciences
- Systemwide Review of UCPB’s “Choices” Report
- First Recommendations of the Commission on the Future of the University
- Systemwide Review of the Report of the Senate Special Committee on Online and Remote Instruction and Residency
- Proposed Technical Revisions to Academic Personnel Policies 015, Part II; 0-36-0; 140-33-b; 160, Appendix A; 230-20-h; 220-4-b; 310-17-c
- Report of the Joint Senate-Administration Task Force on the Education Abroad Program
- Revised Differential Fee Proposal
- Proposed Repeal of Senate Regulation 764
- Proposed Senior Management Group (SMG) Policies
- Report of the Undergraduate Educational Effectiveness Task Force
- Principles for Non-Resident Enrollment
- Furloughs and Salary Cuts
- UC Seminar Network
- Proposed Amendments to Senate Regulations Affecting UC Freshman Admission Eligibility
- APM-028
- Letter from Interim Provost Larry Pitts regarding the Proposed Technical Revisions to Academic Personnel Policy 028 - Disclosure of Financial Interest in Private Sponsors of Research
- Proposed Revisions to APM-028
- APM-240 (Dean's Policy)
- Supplemental APM-240 vs. SMG Comparison Chart
- Proposed Blue & Gold Opportunity Plan
- Regents Item J1 - Proposed Revenue Bond Issue
- Sexual Harassment Training Proposed Sanctions
- EAP Business Plan
- University of California Accountability Framework Draft Report
- Report of the Subcommittee on the Professional Doctorate of the UC Task Force on Planning for Professional and Doctoral Education (PDPE)
- Policy on Reemployment of University of California Retired Employees, adopted by The Regents September 18, 2008
- Proposed Amendments to Senate Bylaws 125.A.4, 128, and 130
- Proposed Revisions to Academic Personnel Policies 110-4(10); 230-17; 230-18; 279-20: 360-80-a; 520-4; and 710-14-b, 710-14-1, 710-38, and 710-46; and Proposed New Academic Personnel Policy 765
- Amendment to Senate Bylaw 337
- BOARS Revised Proposal to Reform UC's Freshman Eligibility Policy
- Amendment to Senate Bylaw 140-Committee on Affirmative Action and Diversity
- Code of Conduct for Health Sciences
- ITGC Report "Creating a UC Cyberinfrasctructure"
- Proposed Transitional Leave Policy for Senior Management Group (SMG)
- Regents' Task Force Diversity Reports
- Remote/Online Instructions, CCGA/UCEP/ITTP "Dialectic" Paper on
- Oliver Johnson Award Nominations
- The Role of Graduate Students in University Instruction, CCGA/UCEP Report and Proposal
- Proposal to Reform UC's Freshman Eligibility Policy
- Report of the Joint Ad Hoc Committee on International Education
- Proposed Regulations Governing Conduct of Non-Affiliates
- Proposed Revision to APM-710, and New APM-711 and APM-080
- Proposed Repeal of SR 458
- Revised Draft Proposal on Guidelines Regarding Vendor Relations
- Proposed Amendments to Senate Regulation 636
- Proposed Amendments to Senate Regulation 636
- Review of Proposed Amendment to APM 620, Policy on Off-Scale Salaries
- Review of the ICAS Proposed Resolution on the Proper Use of the California High School Exit Exam
- Review of UCAF Proposed Student Freedom of Scholarly Inquiry Principles
- Amendment to Senate Bylaw 181 (Committee on) Information Technology and Telecommunications Policy (ITTP)
- Review of Proposed Open Access Policy
- Systemwide Review of The Regents' Proposed RE-89 - Adoption of Policy Restricting University Acceptance of Funding from the Tobacco Industry
- Proposed Amendments to Senate Regulation (SR) 694 and Proposed New Senate Regulation (SR) 695
- Draft Proposal on the Relationships Between (Pharmaceutical) Vendors and Clinicians
- Proposed amendment to Senate Bylaw 205 Part I A., Membership of the University Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction (UCR&J), out for Senatewide review
- Proposed Guiding Principles for Professional School Fees, out for Senatewide review