Regulations of the Academic Senate
Part I. Students
Title I. General Provisions
The following abbreviations are used in the Regulations of the Academic Senate:
- Am = Amended
- CC = Conforming Change
- EC = Editorial Change
- En = Enacted
- Rp = Repealed
- 300. Status of Students
- Students are classified as graduate and undergraduate; and undergraduates as regular students, special students, and limited students. Students holding a Bachelor's degree from this University or from another institution of approved standing who are candidates for a second Bachelor's degree are classified as regular undergraduates.
- All the graduates of any one calendar year , January 1 to December 31 , shall be ranked as belonging to the so-called class of that year. (EC 3 Nov 69)
Title II. Undergraduate Students
- 310. Regular students are undergraduates who are enrolled in the established curriculum of a school or college.
- 312.
- Special students are undergraduates who have not completed in full the requirements for matriculation nor a substantial amount of college work. They must be 21 years of age and submit evidence of adequate preparation for university work. No special student may be a candidate for any degree.
- A special student may enroll only in such courses as have been specified by the dean of that student's college or school, and the student's continuance in special status is subject to review each term by that dean.
- A special student may attain regular status by satisfying the matriculation requirements.
- 314. Limited students hold the Bachelor's degree but are ineligible for admission to graduate standing, or without the Bachelor's degree have completed in this University, or in another institution of approved standing, and with satisfactory scholarship average, a substantial amount of college work, and have been admitted to the University, in accordance with the provisions of SR 492, for the purpose of completing a specified program of courses either required for admission to regular status in one of the professional schools of the University, or selected to satisfy some other definite need or interest. Such students are enrolled, for a definite period specified at the time of their admission, as undergraduates. Those who seek eventual admission to regular status in a professional school are enrolled in that school or, if the school offers no undergraduate curriculum, in the College of Letters and Science. Those who desire to satisfy some other definite need or interest are enrolled in the college or school most concerned with the courses they will pursue. The dean of the college or school in which they are enrolled is responsible for their adherence to the specified program of courses and for their maintenance of such grades as may have been specified when the program was approved. Limited students for whom no grades have been specified are subject to the minimum scholarship requirements for undergraduates of the University. Any deviation from the program as planned, or any scholarship deficiency incurred while pursuing it, will result in the cancellation of a student's limited status and will render that student subject to dismissal from the University.
Title III. Graduate Students
- 320. Graduate Students are such graduates of the University (or of other institutions empowered to confer like degrees on an equivalent basis) as are pursuing advanced or special studies under the direction of a Graduate Council. Graduate students may be resident graduates not candidates for a degree; or they may become candidates for higher degrees. All graduate students are considered resident graduates not candidates for a degree, unless admitted to candidacy by a Graduate Council after formal application.