Student Representatives to Systemwide Committees
Role of Student Representatives
The Systemwide Office of Student and Equity Affairs, in coordination with its campus counterparts, provides opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students to participate in the deliberations of selected committees of the Senate, in accordance with the Senate Bylaw 128.E. Interested students are appointed for a one-year term and attend meetings as non-voting participants. Student representatives play an important role in ensuring student voices are considered in the deliberations of the Academic Senate and are encouraged to solicit comments from their peers on the student-related issues that are taken under review by their respective committees. Student representatives are expected to understand and abide by the guidelines and expectations laid out in the Guidelines for Student Representatives on Systemwide Academic Senate Committees.
Applying to be a Student Representative
The Office of Student and Equity Affairs, working in collaboration with the UC Student Association (UCSA), the UC Graduate and Professional Council (UCGPC), and committee staff, facilitates the official appointment of students to systemwide committees and supports student participation by funding student transportation costs associated with attendance at committee meetings. Students who serve on systemwide committees represent all UC students and are nominated by UCSA or UCGPC. Please visit the UCSA website or UCGPC website for descriptions of each committee's charge and to apply as an undergraduate or graduate student representative. For more information about student participation on systemwide committees, please contact George Zamora in the Office of Student and Equity Affairs.