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Robert Herschler
In Memoriam

Robert Herschler


UC Riverside

Mr. Robert “Bob” B. Herschler, who spent almost three decades as Registrar at UCR, in addition to holding many other roles on campus, died of lung cancer on November 22, 2016, at his home. Mr. Herschler was born on December 29, 1929, in New York. He graduated from Stanford University with a B.A. in history and completed an M.A. and doctoral work in Balkan history at UC Berkeley.

Mr. Herschler came to UCR for a temporary position with the Registrar’s office at UCR in 1961. During the next 30 years he wore many hats: Registrar, Director of Admissions, Ombudsperson, Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor, and Instructor in the Department of History. Bob had long-standing familial ties to Riverside, as his mother was born in Riverside in 1900 and his family had orange groves here.

An avid lover of jazz music and an enthusiastic and accomplished pianist, Mr. Herschler co-founded KUCR’s “Jazz Tuesday” program and played piano at many UCR events, as well as at Back to The Grind, the Mission Inn, and Project Food.

Mr. Herschler is survived by his wife Amy Conger, and his children Matthew, Mark, Sarah, and Stephen.

Edited by Paul Nabity from materials posted on and the Magazine of UC Riverside.