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In Memoriam

Daniel Menzel

Professor and Chair of Community and Environmental Medicine

UC Irvine
Daniel B. Menzel was Professor and Chair of the Department of Community and Environmental Medicine, University of California, Irvine until his retirement in 2000. Prior to coming to UC Irvine he was Professor in the Department of Pharmacology at Duke University. He had more than 30 year’s research experience in air pollution and toxicology. His expertise centered in two areas: mechanisms of air pollutants in the respiratory tract. During his career, he served as a senior author on multiple US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Criteria Documents, as a consultant to the USEPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, and was a leading developer of the first Particulate Matter Criteria Document and subsequent National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

Michael Kleinman, Adjunct Professor
Community & Environmental Medicine, UC Irvine

Ulrike Luderer, Professor
Medicine, UC Irvine