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Bylaws of the Academic Senate

Part II. - Universitywide Agencies and Committees

Title I. Assembly

  • 105. Assembly of the Academic Senate

    1. Membership. The Assembly shall consist of the following members:
      1. The President of the University;
      2. The Chair and Vice Chair of the Assembly, who shall serve ex officio as Chair and Vice Chair, respectively, of the Academic Council [see Bylaw 110.A ];
      3. All members of the Academic Council shall serve as ex officio of the Assembly. In the absence or disability of the Chair of a Division or Standing Committee the Vice Chair of that Division or Standing Committee shall serve on the Assembly with full privileges. In the absence or disability of both the Chair and Vice Chair of the Division or Standing Committee, the appropriate Committee on Committee shall appoint a replacement who shall have full privileges, for the specified meeting(s) of the Assembly. (Am 28 May 2003)
      4. Forty Divisional Representatives chosen from other than chancellors, vice chancellors, deans, chief administrative officers of colleges and schools, and members of the University Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction [see Bylaw 205.A ]. The Academic Council shall annually prorate these among the Divisions in proportion to their membership, but each Division shall have at least one Divisional Representative in the Assembly. Changes in allocation shall become effective on the first day of September following Academic Council action. Each Division shall determine its own method of choosing its Representatives. A Representative may not serve more than two consecutive terms, but is again eligible two years after the conclusion of a second consecutive term. (Am 24 May 68, 29 May 69, 7 May 87; EC 18 Nov 68, 3 Nov 69) [See Legislative Ruling 4.71 ]
    2. Alternative Representatives. Under this Bylaw, each Division may select alternates for its Divisional Representatives in the Assembly subject to the following conditions:
      1. The selection and use of alternates must be specified in Divisional Bylaws;
      2. Persons ineligible under Article A.4 of this Bylaw to be Representatives may not serve as alternates;
      3. Alternates serve only in the absence or disability of their principals.
  • 110. Officers and Consultants of the Assembly

    1. Chair, Vice Chair, and Parliamentarian
      1. Election. The Assembly elects a Vice Chair who is a Senate member from a Division other than that of the incoming Chair, to assume office the following September. The Academic Council submits a nomination. Further nominations may be made by the Assembly members from the floor, and on written petition by twenty-five Senate members. The Vice Chair also serves as Vice Chair of the Academic Council. The following year the Vice Chair becomes Chair of the Assembly and the Academic Council. Neither the Chair nor the Vice Chair may serve as a Divisional Representative. (Am 3 Dec 80; Am 28 May 2003; Am 12 May 2004)
      2. Vacancies. If the office of Chair is vacant, the Vice Chair becomes Chair. If the office of Vice Chair is vacant, or if both offices are vacant, the Academic Council shall make pro tempore appointments until the corresponding offices are filled by election at the next Assembly meeting. If the office of the Secretary/Parliamentarian is vacant, the Academic Council shall make a pro tempore until the office is filled by election as prescribed by Bylaw 15. Such elections shall be for the remainder of current terms. If the Secretary/Parliamentarian is unable to attend a scheduled meeting of the Assembly, the Academic Council shall make a pro tempore appointment of a parliamentarian to serve during that meeting. (Am 10 Apr 2013)
      3. Duties
        1. The Chair, or in the absence or disability of the Chair, the Vice Chair, shall preside at meetings of the Assembly. The Chair may present to any Division or Senate committee any matter within its jurisdiction.
        2. Prior to July first each year the Chair of the Assembly, in consultation with the President of the Senate and the Academic Council, shall schedule at least three regular meetings of the Assembly for the ensuing academic year. With majority approval by the Academic Council, the Chair may cancel a regular meeting, but there must be at least one regular meeting in each academic year.
        3. Special meetings may be called by the President of the Senate or by the Chair of the Assembly. Such meetings must be called by the Chair, or where appropriate by the Vice Chair, on the written request of a Division, of twenty-five voting members of the Academic Senate, or of seven members of the Assembly. The Academic Council may cancel a special meeting requested by a Division if the Division so asks. (Am 12 May 2004)
        4. With the concurrence of a majority of the Academic Council an emergency meeting of the Assembly may be called by the Chair of the Assembly, or in the Chair's absence or disability, by the Vice Chair.
        5. The Chair, in consultation with the Academic Council, shall set the agenda for every Assembly meeting in accordance with the provisions of Bylaw 120.C. On the written request of a Division, of fifteen voting members of the Academic Senate, or of four members of the Assembly, the Chair shall include in the agenda any item of business within the authority of the Assembly.
        6. The Chair shall send Memorials to the President for transmission to the Regents, in accordance with the provisions of Bylaw 90.
        7. The Chair and Vice Chair shall serve, respectively, ex officio as Chair and Vice Chair of the Academic Council [see Bylaw 125.A ]. Both the Chair and the Vice Chair shall serve as ex officio members of the University Committee on Committees [see Bylaw 150.A ], and as non-voting ex officio members of all committees of the Assembly except for the Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction [see Bylaw 205.A]. (Am 28 May 2003)
        8. The Chair receives petitions of students or other materials for presentation to the Assembly and may refer them to an appropriate committee. (En 12 May 2004)
      4. Suspension and Removal (En 14 February 2007)

        Elected officers of the Assembly may be suspended from office by action of the Assembly or of the Academic Council, and may subsequently be removed from office by action of the Assembly. In any emergency, regular, or special meeting of the Assembly or Academic Council for which the proposed action is noticed, any member may move to suspend an elected officer from office. The notice of the proposed action must state the proposed reasons for suspending the person from office. The discussion and action must be considered in a closed face-to-face session. The officer who is the subject of the suspension motion shall not preside during discussion of the motion. The suspension motion requires an affirmative vote of a majority of the members present to pass. If the suspension motion carries, the officer who is the subject of the motion is immediately suspended from office and relieved of all duties and responsibilities associated with the elected Senate office. The suspended officer is no longer empowered to represent the Senate in any way. At its next emergency, regular, or special meeting, which shall be held no later than 30 days following the action to suspend, the Assembly must decide whether to remove the suspended officer from office. This item must be noticed in the Assembly’s agenda. Any officer so suspended shall have the right at this meeting of the Assembly to present his or her case against removal from office. For this purpose, the suspended officer shall be granted such time as agreed to with the presiding officer but not less than one hour. The suspended officer shall also have the right, at personal expense, to be aided or represented by another person during the proceedings concerning removal. Removal requires an affirmative vote of the majority of the Assembly members present. If the action to remove the officer fails to carry, the person shall immediately return to office with all its duties and responsibilities.

  • 115. Authority of the Assembly - Part I

    [Protected -- see Bylaw 116.E ]
    1. Subject to such provisions as appear elsewhere in these Bylaws, the Assembly shall have authority to organize, to select its own officers and committees, and to adopt for the conduct of its business rules and regulations not inconsistent with the Bylaws and Regulations of the Academic Senate.
    2. The Assembly is authorized to consider any and all matters of concern to the Senate as a whole, and to receive and consider reports and recommendations from other Senate committees.
    3. Divisional committees shall normally report to their respective Divisions but shall have the right to report concurrently to the Assembly when the latter is the more appropriate body for action.
    4. The Assembly shall have the power to take final action (subject to the provisions for Petition and Referendum as specified in Bylaw 75 ) concerning all legislation substantially affecting more than one Division or the statewide University. Such legislation may be:
      1. Initiated by the Assembly, or
      2. Proposed to the Assembly by a Division or by a Senate committee, or
      3. Referred to the Assembly by the Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction, after enactment by a single Division, as substantially affecting more than one Division or the statewide University.
    5. The Assembly shall be ready at all times to advise the President; this function shall normally but not necessarily be exercised through the Academic Council.
    6. Neither this Bylaw as a whole nor any part of it shall be added to, amended, or repealed except by action of the Assembly as specified in Bylaw 116.E , and ratified by two-third of the votes cast in a mail ballot of the voting members of the Academic Senate.
  • 116. Authority of the Assembly - Part II

    1. The Assembly shall have sole authority to establish committees of the Assembly and Divisions of the Academic Senate; but Standing Committees and Divisions may be established only by amendment of these Bylaws.
    2. In the absence of a Division of the Academic Senate on a campus, the Assembly is authorized to establish Faculties on that campus and to exercise all other functions of the Academic Senate otherwise vested in the Divisions under these Bylaws. In exercising these functions, the Assembly may delegate all or part of its authority to one or more Faculties established on the campus by the Assembly, to one or more Standing or Special Committees of the Assembly or to the Academic Council, which may further delegate this authority. (Am 20 Oct 99; Am 9 March 05) [See Bylaw 230 ]
    3. The Assembly shall consider for approval proposals for the establishment of new graduate degrees received from the Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs and requiring approval by the President, to whom The Regents have delegated authority of approval. Proposals approved by the Assembly shall be submitted to the President. [See SOR 110.1 and Bylaw 180.B.5 ] (Am 24 May 00)
    4. The Assembly is authorized to approve minimum standards for the award of undergraduate honors and for honors at graduation proposed to it by the Divisions.
    5. The Assembly is authorized to approve modifications to the University Academic Senate legislation. Written notice of any proposed changes to the legislation shall be distributed as provided for by Senate Bylaw 120.B. The notice for each proposed change must include existing and proposed texts and a statement of the purpose and intended effect of the proposed change. Except for Bylaws marked "[Protected -- see Bylaw 116.E]", modification of Bylaws requires the approval of two-thirds of all voting member of the Assembly present; modification of Regulations requires the approval of a majority of all voting members of the Assembly present. Modification of Bylaws marked "[Protected -- see Bylaw 116.E]" requires approval of two-thirds of all voting members of the Assembly present, followed by ratification by two-thirds of the votes cast in a mail ballot of the voting members of the Academic Senate. (The mail ballot shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Bylaw 95. ) Modifications of legislation shall take effect immediately following approval unless a different date is specified or required.
    6. The Assembly is authorized to approve proposed Divisional Regulations that have been submitted to it by a Division and which are at variance with Universitywide Regulations. [See Bylaws 80.D , 125.B.6 , 206.D ]
    7. Action by the Assembly is subject to petition for Reconsideration and Referendum as provided in Bylaw 75 . (EC 18 Nov 68)
    8. See also protected Bylaw 311 .

Title II. Meetings of the Assembly

  • 120. Meetings of the Assembly

    1. Types of Meetings. The Assembly of the Academic Senate shall be convened at regular meetings [see Bylaw 110.A.3.b ], special meetings [see Bylaw 110.A.3.c ], and emergency meetings [see Bylaw 110.A.3.d and Legislative Ruling 3.06 Emergency Meeting of The Assembly].
    2. Notice of Meetings
      1. The call to regular and special meetings of the Assembly shall be sent to the Academic Senate Office of each Division such that distribution to offices of all academic units shall occur at least ten calendar days before the Assembly is convened. [See Bylaw 110.A.3.b ] The call for an emergency meeting of the Assembly shall be sent to the Academic Senate office of each Division such that distribution to offices of all academic units shall occur at least five calendar days before that meeting is convened. The call to regular, special, and emergency meetings of the Assembly shall be sent either electronically or through the mail. (Am 4 Jun 91; Am 28 May 2003; Am 12 May 2004)
      2. The call for each regular or special Assembly meeting shall include all pertinent documents and the text of any proposed change in Senate legislation with a statement of its purposes and intended effects. (CC 12 May 2004)
      3. The call for a special or emergency Assembly meeting shall include the reasons for the meeting. (CC 12 May 2004)
    3. Order of Business
      1. Regular Meetings. The Academic Council shall set the order of business of the Assembly meeting. This order of business may be suspended by a two-thirds vote of the voting members present. Business shall include the following: (Am 28 May 2003):
        • Roll Call
        • Minutes
        • Announcements by the President
        • Other announcements
        • Special Orders
        • Reports of Special Committees
        • Reports of Standing Committees
        • Petitions of Students
        • Unfinished business
        • University and faculty welfare
        • New business
      2. Special Meetings and Emergency Meetings. The order of business is: (Am 12 May 2004)
        • Roll call
        • Business stated in the call
        • Other matters authorized by unanimous consent of the voting members present
    4. Conduct of Business
      1. Quorum. Two-thirds of the members of the Assembly shall constitute a quorum. (EC 18 Nov 68)
      2. Consent Calendar. Agenda items deemed non-controversial by the Chair of the Assembly, in consultation with the Academic Council, may be placed on a Consent Calendar under Special Orders. Approval of all business on the Consent Calendar requires a single unanimous vote. At the request of any Assembly member, any such Calendar item must be deferred until consideration of new business.
      3. Reports. Annual reports of Standing Committees of the Academic Senate constitute a Special Order for the first regular Assembly meeting in each academic year.
      4. New Business. Except for modification of Legislation, which must be enacted in accordance with the provisions of Bylaw 311.C , any member of the Assembly may introduce for discussion any item of business within the authority of the Assembly. The Assembly may act finally on matters not included in the Call of the Meeting only by unanimous consent of the members present.
      5. Privilege of the Floor. Any Senate member may attend and speak at Assembly meetings in accordance with the provisions of Bylaw 60 , but only members of the Assembly may make or second motions, or vote; however, members of a Standing or Special Committee of the Senate may move, but not second, the acceptance of reports or recommendations, or amendments thereto, presented by their committees. In the absence of members of a committee reporting to the Assembly the Secretary/Parliamentarian is authorized to move that the report be received and placed on file. (Am 5 May 88)
      6. Parliamentary Authority. The Assembly shall, by majority vote, adopt a set of rules of order to govern questions of order not covered by legislation. This choice of rules of order may be changed by majority vote of the Assembly, with such change becoming effective at the next meeting of the Assembly. (EC Nov 68; Am 10 Mar 69; Am 12 May 2004; Am 10 Nov 2004; Am 19 April 2023)
      7. Minutes. The Secretary/Parliamentarian shall send minutes of each Assembly meeting to the Academic Senate office of each Division, no later than the distribution of the Call to the next regular meeting. (Am 5 May 88; Am 4 June 91; Am 12 May 2004)
      8. Any member of the Senate may ask to be provided with a copy of the calls and minutes. (En 4 Jun 91; Am 12 May 2004)

Title III. Academic Council

  • 125. Academic Council

    1. Membership. The Academic Council shall consist of the following members:
      1. The Chair of the Assembly, who is the Chair of the Academic Council;
      2. The Vice Chair of the Assembly, who is the Vice Chair of the Academic Council;
      3. The Chairs of the Divisions; (Am 4 May 89)
      4. The Chairs of the following University Standing Committees:
        • Academic Personnel
        • Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Equity (Am 09 May 2007)
        • Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools
        • Educational Policy
        • Faculty Welfare
        • Graduate Affairs
        • Planning and Budget
        • Research Policy (Am 28 May 2003)
        In the absence or disability of the Chair of a Division or Standing Committee the Vice Chair of that Division or Standing Committee shall serve on the Council with full privileges. In the absence or disability of both the Chair and Vice Chair of a Division or Standing Committee, the appropriate Committee on Committees shall appoint a replacement, who shall have full privileges, for the specified meeting(s) of the Council. (Am 2 Dec 81; Am 4 May 89)
    2. Authority and Duties [See Legislative Ruling 2.86 ]
      1. The Academic Council shall serve as the Executive Committee of the Assembly (Am 12 May 2004)
      2. The Academic Council normally shall advise the President of the University on behalf of the Assembly. [See Bylaw 115.E ]
      3. The Academic Council shall have the continuing responsibility to request committees of the Senate to investigate and report to the Council or to the Assembly on matters of Universitywide concern.
      4. The Academic Council shall appoint two Senate members to serve on the Advisory Board of the University of California Retirement System. (En 4 May 89; CC 28 May 2003)
      5. The Academic Council shall have the authority to consider proposals for Divisional status, and to recommend to the Assembly that Divisional status be conferred. (En 9 March 05)
      6. If a proposed Divisional Regulation, which has been submitted to the Assembly of the Academic Senate for approval, is at variance with Universitywide Regulations and cannot be included in the agenda of a regular Assembly meeting to be held within sixty calendar days after Divisional action, the Academic Council, with the advice of the appropriate University Senate committees, is authorized to approve provisionally such proposed Regulations. Such approval is effective until the end of the next following term in which a regular Assembly meeting is held. Such approval must be reported to the Assembly. [See Bylaw 115.F and Bylaw 206.D ] (CC 9 March 05)
      7. The Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs shall submit to the Academic Council for final action on behalf of the Assembly proposals for the establishment of new graduate degrees submitted in accordance with Bylaw 180.B.5 when such proposals cannot be included in the agenda of a regular Assembly meeting to be held within thirty calendar days after Committee action. (Am 10 Dec 2014; Am 7 Jun 72)
      8. In accordance with Bylaw 65 the Academic Council shall act upon appeals of curricular decisions by Universitywide Senate committees.
      9. In accordance with Bylaws 110.A.3.b and 110.A.3.e the Academic Council shall be consulted by the Chair of the Assembly concerning the schedule of, the setting of agendas for, and the cancellation of regular meetings of the Assembly.
      10. With the concurrence of a majority of the Academic Council an emergency meeting of the Assembly may be called by the Chair of the Assembly or, in the Chair's absence or disability, by the Vice Chair, as specified in Bylaw 110.A.3.d .
      11. Special meetings may be called as specified in Bylaw 110.A.3.c .
      12. Any action item, other than a Bylaw amendment, noticed for a meeting of the Assembly that does not achieve quorum, may be acted upon by the Academic Council. Such action must be reported to the Assembly in the Call of the next regular or special meeting of the Assembly. (En 12 May 2004)
      13. The Academic Council is empowered to establish Special Committees. (En 12 May 2004; CC 9 March 2005)
      14. The Academic Council shall nominate to the President an Academic Senate member who holds a clinical appointment at a UC health sciences school to serve on the Health Services Committee of the Board of Regents. The member serving in this role shall also be an ex-officio member of the University Committee on Faculty Welfare Task Force on the Future of UC Health Care Plans. (En 8 Feb 2017; Am 9 Dec 2020)

Title IV. Standing Committees of the Academic Senate

  • 128. Membership of Standing Committees of the Assembly (En 28 May 2003)

    Unless otherwise specified in the establishing bylaws for a committee, the following shall govern the membership of all Assembly committees except the Academic Council.

    1. The Chair and Vice Chair of the Assembly shall serve as ex officio members of the University Committee on Committees and as non-voting ex officio members of all committees except for the Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction.
    2. Each Division of the Academic Senate shall nominate to UCOC one Division member to be appointed to the following committees to serve a two-year term. [ See Bylaw 150 ]. This member shall normally be the chair or a member of the corresponding Divisional committee; otherwise, the Assembly committee member shall serve as an ex officio non-voting member of the corresponding Divisional committee.
      • Academic Computing and Communications
      • Academic Freedom
      • Academic Personnel
      • Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Equity
      • Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools
      • Committees
      • Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs
      • Educational Policy
      • Faculty Welfare
      • International Education
      • Library and Scholarly Communication
      • Planning and Budget
      • Preparatory Education
      • Privilege and Tenure
      • Research Policy
    3. The Chair of each of the above committees shall be an at-large member, who is a former, but not a present member of the corresponding committee of any division. The Chair shall normally serve a one-year term. (Am 10 Apr 2013)
    4. Vice Chairs (Am June 2015)
      1. The Vice Chair shall be an at-large member who has experience as a member of the corresponding Divisional committee. The Vice Chair shall normally succeed the Chair subject to the approval of UCOC.
      2. The Vice Chair must be a Senate member from a Division other than that of the Chair.
    5. Students who sit with standing committees, as provided in these bylaws, are non-voting representatives and shall be nominated by the student organization recognized by the Academic Council for that purpose and appointed by the University Committee on Committees.
    6. Term: In no case shall members serve for more than four consecutive years with the exception of the Chair and Vice Chair who may serve no more than six years. A member is again eligible one year after leaving the committee. A partial term is counted as a full term.
    7. Quorum. Fifty percent of the voting members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
    8. Members holding an administrative position higher than department chair may not serve as members of Assembly committees. However, Department Chairs may serve on Assembly Committees, with the exception of the Committee on Academic Personnel, the Committee on Academic Freedom and the University Committee on Privilege and Tenure.
    9. A standing committee of the Assembly may appoint one or more subcommittees or task forces, which must always report back to the main committee, but the University Committee on Committees must appoint all subcommittee or task force members who are not already members of any standing committee of the Assembly. (En 11 May 2005)
    10. Conflict of Interest: Members of Assembly committees, sub-committees and task forces must be aware that professional judgments made in committee work may be compromised or appear to be compromised by a conflict of interest. Any member of a committee who thinks they have a conflict of interest must inform the Chair (or the Vice-Chair if there is a potential conflict of interest on the part of the Chair) thereof. Any member of a committee who thinks another member has a conflict of interest should inform the Chair (or the Vice-Chair if there is a potential conflict of interest on the part of the Chair) thereof. The member with the potential conflict may choose to limit their participation up to and including full recusal. Any party may consult the Chair of the Academic Council for advice (or the Vice-Chair if there is a potential conflict of interest on the part of the Chair). In the absence of agreement between the member and the Chair (or Vice-Chair) of the committee on the appropriate actions, the Chair (or Vice-Chair) of the committee shall inform the Chair (or Vice-Chair) of the Academic Council, who shall make the final determination as to what actions are appropriate.  (En 11 April 2018)
  • 130. Academic Freedom

    1. Membership shall be determined in accordance with Bylaw 128. One undergraduate and one graduate student shall sit with the Committee. [See Bylaw 128.E.] The Vice Chair shall be chosen in accordance with Bylaw 128. D. (Am 28 May 2003)
    2. Duties. Consistent with Bylaw 40, the Committee shall: (Am 28 May 2003)

      Study and report to the Assembly upon any condition within or outside the University that, in the committee's judgment, may affect the academic freedom of the University and its academic community. (Am 15 Jun 71; Am 23 May 1996; Am 28 May 2003)

  • 135. Academic Personnel

    1. Membership shall be determined in accordance with Bylaw 128. The Vice Chair shall be chosen in accordance with Bylaw 128. D. (Am 28 May 2003)
    2. Duties. Consistent with Bylaw 40, the Committee shall: (Am 28 May 03)
      1. Confer with the President on general policy on academic personnel, including salary scales, appointments and promotions, and related matters.
      2. Review standards and policies applied by Divisional Committees on Academic Personnel, advise the President, and inform the Division CAPs thereon. (Am 29 Oct 98)
  • 140. Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Equity (Am 13 May 97, Am Dec 2015)

    1. Membership shall be determined in accordance with Bylaw 128. One undergraduate and one graduate student shall sit with the Committee. [See Bylaw 128.E .] The Vice Chair shall be chosen in accordance with Bylaw 128.D. (Am 4 Jun 91; Am 28 May 03; Am 9 May 07)
    2. Duties. Consistent with Bylaw 40, the Committee shall: (Am 28 03)
      1. Confer with the President on general policies bearing on affirmative action, diversity, and equity for academic personnel, students, and academic programs. (Am 28 May 2003; Am 12 May 2004, Am Dec 2015)
      2. Establish basic policy and procedures for coordinating the work of the Divisional Committees concerned with affirmative action, diversity, and equity. (Am 28 May 2003, Am Dec 2015)
      3. Report annually to the Assembly the state of affirmative action, diversity, and equity in the University. This report shall include a review of the annual reports of the Divisional Committees on Affirmative Action, Diversity, and Equity (or equivalent committees). (Am 28 May 2003, Am Dec 2015).
      4. Review the information on affirmative action, diversity, and equity provided by the campus and University administrations and report said findings to the Academic Council. The information shall consist of data and analyses of working conditions, salaries, advancement, separation for women and ethnic minorities, and may also include data and analyses relating to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals. (Am 14 Oct 2009, Am Dec 2015)
      5. Undertake studies of policies and practices affecting affirmative action, diversity, and equity and make recommendations to appropriate University bodies. (Am 28 May 2003, Am Dec 2015)
  • 145. Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools

    1. Membership shall be determined in accordance with Bylaw 128 except that the Chair and Vice Chair, shall normally serve two-year concurrent terms. The Vice Chair shall be chosen in accordance with Bylaw 128.D. One undergraduate and one graduate student shall sit with the Committee. [See Bylaw 128.E .] (Am 4 May 1995; Am 28 May 2003)
    2. Duties. Consistent with Bylaw 40 the Committee shall: (Am 28 May 2003)
      1. Advise the President and appropriate agencies of the Senate on matters relating to admissions of undergraduate students.
      2. Recommend to the Assembly the admissions criteria for undergraduate status. (En 28 May 2003)
      3. Regulate the examination and classification of all applicants for admission to undergraduate status, and report thereon to the Assembly, including the authority, in exceptional case, to admit applicants with minor deficiencies. (Am 26 May 82: Am 28 May 2003)
      4. Maintain the standard of preparation required of students who enter the University directly from California secondary schools in the course of passing on applications for advanced standing from other colleges and universities. Advanced standing credit is granted for work of quality comparable to that required of students in this University.
      5. Require secondary schools in California whose graduates are to be admitted on a transcript to submit for approval a list of those courses certified by the school as fulfilling the subject requirements for admission. The committee shall review these courses annually. If the studies outlined in 145.B.6 below indicate that such action is advisable, it may require that applicants from certain schools take examinations established by the Board as a condition for admission. (Am 26 May 82)
      6. Require secondary schools in California whose graduates are to be admitted on a transcript to submit for approval a list of those courses certified by the school as honors level courses in history, English, advanced mathematics, laboratory science, and foreign language. The committee shall review these courses annually. (En 26 May 82)
      7. Compile information on curricula and scholarship standards in California secondary schools. On authorization by the President, the committee shall confer with representatives of schools and colleges on appropriate scholastic matters. It shall annually report to the Assembly statistical information about applicants admitted to advanced standing, and about the scholastic achievements of students admitted as freshmen; and at appropriate intervals it shall report on its policies and practices regarding admissions, specifying exceptions to Senate Regulations that have been permitted. (Am 15 Jun 71, 28 May 80, 26 May 82)
  • 150. Committees

    1. Membership
      1. Membership shall be determined in accordance with Bylaw 128 and include two members-at-large. The members at large are to be named by the Assembly for two-year staggered terms. Each at large member will serve as Vice Chair in the first year and shall normally succeed as Chair in the second year. In additional, there shall be one member appointed by each Divisional Committee on Committees from its current membership to serve on the University Committee on Committees for a maximum two-year term, with the exception of the Chair and Vice Chair who may serve a maximum of four years. (Am 2 Dec 71; Am 12 May 94: Am 28 May 2003)
      2. Vacancies. In the absence or disability of both the Chair and Vice Chair, the Academic Council shall appoint a Chair pro tempore appointment from among the committee membership until the next meeting of the Assembly, at which time the Assembly shall elect a chair. If a vacancy occurs in an at-large membership, the Academic Council shall nominate to the Assembly at its next meeting a candidate to fill the unexpired term, at which time the Assembly shall hold an election. (Am 4 Mar 76; Am 28 May 2003)
    2. Duties. Consistent with Bylaw 40 the Committee shall: (Am 28 May 2003; CC 11 May 2005)
      1. Appoint the Chairs and, where specified in the Bylaws, the Vice Chairs. (Am 7 Dec 76: Am 28 May 2003)
      2. Appoint all other members of all Senate committees, subcommittees or task forces, that report to the Assembly, while ensuring conformity with the Senate Bylaws [see Bylaw 35 ] and in consultation with the outgoing and incoming chairs of Senate committees. (Am 2 Dec 71: Am 28 May 2003; CC 12 May 2004: CC 11 May 2005)
      3. Upon the President's request, confer, or nominate a committee to confer, with the President concerning the appointment of a chief campus officer or a University administrative officer. (Am 2 Dec 71: Am 28 May 2003)
      4. Send a letter of appointment to every appointee specifying the term of the appointment, the charge, and the duties of the appointee's committee. (CC 12 May 2004)
  • 155. Academic Computing and Communications

    [formerly Bylaw 181 - Information Technology and Telecommunications Policy (Am 30 Jan 2008)
    1. Membership shall be determined in accordance with Bylaw 128 and shall include the Chairs of the Committee on Libraries and Scholarly Communication, Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs, and the University Committee on Educational Policy, or their designees, who shall serve as ex officio members. One undergraduate student and one graduate student shall sit with the Committee. [See Bylaw 128.E.] The Vice Chair shall be chosen in accordance with Bylaw 128.D. Committee members shall be drawn from a Divisional standing committee with jurisdiction over related matters. Members may also be named as ex officio non-voting members of Divisional standing Senate committees per Bylaw 128B. (Am 7 May 87; Am 28 May 2003; Am Feb 2015)
    2. Duties: Consistent with Bylaw 40, the Committee shall:
      1. Represent the Senate in all matters involving the uses and impact of computing and communications technology, and shall advise the President, consistent with Bylaw 40, concerning the acquisition and usage, and support of computing and communications technology and related policy issues at the University either at its own initiative or at the President's request. (Am Feb 2015)
      2. Consult with and render timely advice to the agencies of the Academic Senate and to the President, the Provost, and the Executive Vice President concerning the acquisition, deployment, and support of computing and communications technologies and related academic and technology policy issues either at its own initiative or at the President's request. (Am 7 May 87; Am 28 May 2003; Am 30 Jan 2008; Am Feb 2015).
      3. Consult with representatives of the relevant standing committees and the Chair of the Academic Council to identify policy issues related to computing and communications technology that affect the academic mission of the University.(Am Feb 2015)
      4. Consult with the Provost and Executive Vice President in matters of academic policy and infrastructure related to online education, instructional technology, and academic computing to ensure that technology is appropriate for maintaining the academic quality of UC as well as the outreach and research mission.(Am Feb 2015)
      5. Submit an annual report to Academic Council on all matters concerning academic computing within its jurisdiction. (Am Feb 2015)
  • 160. Editorial

    1. Membership shall consist of: twenty members, with at least one, but not more than four, from each Division, Divisional representation not otherwise being a criterion for appointment. A Chair and a Vice Chair, normally one from a northern Division and one from a southern Division, shall be appointed to serve one year terms. The Vice Chair shall normally succeed the Chair subject to the approval of the University Committee on Committees. The Committee on Committees shall annually consult with the current Chair, Vice Chair, and the Director of the University of California Press in regard to appointment of members of the Editorial Committee. Members of this committee may serve for up to five consecutive years. The Director of the University of California Press shall be ex officio Secretary without a vote. (Am 20 Nov 90; Am 28 May 2003; Am 9 Dec 2020)
    2. Duties. The Committee shall (EC 28 May 2003)
      1. Review manuscripts as well as associated documents bearing on the quality and significance of material proposed for publication. (EC 28 May 2003)
      2. Be consulted on policies governing the UC Press consistent with Bylaw 40. (En 28 May 2003)
      3. Have the sole authority to allow use of the University imprints, "University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London." (Am 16 Mar 70, 4 Mar 86; EC 28 May 2003)
  • 165. Education Abroad Program

    (renumbered and renamed – 182 International Education) (CC 28 May 2003)
  • 170. Educational Policy

    1. Membership shall be determined in accordance with Bylaw 128. One undergraduate and one graduate student shall sit with the Committee. [See Bylaw 128.E .] The Vice Chair shall be chosen according with Bylaw 128.D. (Am 29 Nov 72, 7 Dec 76: Am 28 May 2003)
    2. Duties. Consistent with Bylaw 40 , the Committee shall: (Am 28 May 2003)
      1. Consider and report on matters referred to it by the President of the University, the Assembly, a Division, or any Senate committee.
      2. Initiate appropriate studies and make reports thereon to the President, the Assembly, or any Division, on the establishment or disestablishment of curricula, colleges, schools, departments, institutes, bureaus, and the like, and on legislation or administrative policies of a fundamental character involving questions of educational policy. (Am 15 Jun 71)
      3. Approve UC undergraduate courses as system-wide courses to be listed in Divisional catalogues. (En 10 Nov 04)
  • 175. Faculty Welfare

    1. Membership: (Am 9 May 84; Am 6 May 93; Am 23 May 96; Am 28 May 2003)
      1. Except as noted below, membership shall be determined in accordance with Bylaw 128. The Vice Chair shall be chosen in accordance with Bylaw 128.D. (Am 28 May 2003)
      2. One Academic Senate member of the Advisory Board of the UC Retirement System, who maybe a member already included on the committee and who will normally serve a two-year term. (Am 28 May 2003)
      3. The Chair of the Council of Emeriti Associations (CUCEA), shall serve ex officio. (Am 28 May 2003)
      4. Up to two at-large members, appointed for one-year renewable terms, and in Consultation with the Chair of the Committee, to supplement the expertise of divisional members in areas of special relevance to the current business of the committee. (Am 28 May 2003)
    2. Duties. Consistent with Bylaw 40 , the Committee shall: (Am 28 May 2003)
      1. Report to the Academic Council and other agencies of the Senate and confer with and advise the President and agencies of the University Administration on matters concerning the economic welfare of the faculty, such as salaries, benefits, insurance, retirement, housing, and conditions of employment. (CC 12 May 2004)
      2. Develop along with the chairs of the relevant committees and in consultation with the Chair of the Academic Council, procedures for treating issues with a major welfare component. (Am 2 Dec 81; EC 28 May 2003; CC 12 May 2004; EC 12 May 2004)
  • 180. Graduate Affairs, Coordinating Committee on

    1. Membership shall be determined in accordance with Bylaw 128. Two graduate students shall sit with the Committee. [See Bylaw 128.E.] The Vice Chair shall be chosen in accordance with Bylaw 128.D. (Am 6 Jun 79; Am 28 May 2003)
    2. Duties. Consistent with the Bylaw 40 , the Committee shall: (Am 28 May 2003)
      1. Advise the President of the University and all agencies of the Senate regarding the promotion of research and learning related to graduate affairs.
      2. Establish basic policies and procedures for coordinating the work of the various Graduate Councils and Divisions.
      3. Recommend to the Assembly minimum standards of admission for graduate students [see Bylaw 311.C.1 ].
      4. Act for the Academic Senate in the approval of new programs for established graduate degrees, including the joint doctoral degrees with campuses of the California State University.
      5. Review proposals from Graduate Councils for the establishment of new graduate degrees that require approval of the President, to whom The Regents have delegated authority of approval, and submit recommendations thereon to the Assembly [see SOR 110.1 and Bylaw 116.C ]. (Am 24 May 00)
      6. Review standards and policies applied by Graduate Councils, and policies concerning relations with educational and research agencies.
      7. Approve UC graduate courses as system-wide courses to be listed in Divisional catalogues. (En 10 Nov 04)
  • 181. Information Technology and Telecommunications Policy

    [Renamed 155 - Computing and Communications (30 Jan 2008 ); Previously renumbered 181. (CC 12 May 2004)]
  • 182. International Education

    (Formerly 165 Education Abroad Program) (Am 28 May 2003) (Am 14 Jun 2017)
    1. Membership shall be determined in accordance with Bylaw 128, except that the Chair shall normally serve a two-year term. One undergraduate student and one graduate student shall sit with the Committee. [See Bylaw 128.E.] The Vice Chair shall be chosen in accordance with Bylaw 128.D. On a campus that has no equivalent committee, a member shall be an at-large Senate member. (Am 28 May 2003)
    2. Duties. Consistent with Bylaw 40, the Committee shall: (Am 28 May 2003) (Am 14 Jun 2017)
      1. Consider and report, in consultation with other Academic Senate committees, on matters of international education and engagement referred to the Committee by the President of the University, the Academic Council, the Assembly, a Divisional or any Senate Committee. (Am 28 May 2003)
        1. Report to the Academic Council and other agencies of the Senate and confer with and advise the President and agencies of the University Administration on matters concerning international engagement.
        2. Initiate policy recommendations regarding international engagement programs and the status and welfare of international students and scholars at UC.
        3. Evaluate and advise on UC’s international service learning or experiential learning programs, except programs whose authorization and supervision is performed independently by the campuses.
      2. Provide Continuing review of the Education Abroad Program and its policies. (EC 28 May 2003 and 8 June 2023) 
        1. Consult with the UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP) on future program development, including modification of the programs of existing Study Centers, establishment of new Study Centers, and disestablishment of UCEAP Programs. (Am 28 May 2003)
        2. Represent the Senate in the selection of Study Center Directors. (Am 28 May 2003)
        3. Maintain liaison with the Council of Campus Directors. (Am 28 May 2003)
        4. Advise the UC Education Abroad Program Associate Vice Provost and Executive Director on all matters of international education. (Am 28 May 2003)
        5. Have the responsibility for the final academic review of new programs after the first three years, and for regular reviews of all programs every ten years or as conditions may require. (En 4 May 89; Am 4 Jun 91; Am 28 May 2003)
        6. Authorize and supervise all courses and curricula in the UC Education Abroad Program (Am 2 Dec 71; Am 4 May 89; Am 28 May 2003)
  • 185. Library and Scholarly Communication (Am 9 May 2007)

    1. Membership shall be determined in accordance with Bylaw 128. One undergraduate student and one graduate student shall sit with the Committee. [See Bylaw 128.E.] The Vice Chair shall be chosen in accordance with Bylaw 128.D. A University librarian and the Chair of the Committee on Academic Computing and Communications shall serve ex officio. Up to three at-large members, appointed for one-year renewable terms, and in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, to supplement the expertise of divisional members in areas of special relevance to the current business of the committee. (Am 7 May 87; Am 28 May 2003; Am 9 May 2007)
    2. Duties. Consistent with Bylaw 40 , the Committee shall: (Am 28 May 2003)
      1. Advise the President concerning the administration of the libraries of the University in accordance with the Standing Orders of The Regents and issues related to innovations in forms of scholarly communication. (Am 9 May 2003; Am 9 May 2007)
      2. Perform such other appropriate duties as may be committed to the Academic Senate by proper authority.
  • 190. Planning and Budget

    1. Membership shall be determined in accordance with Bylaw 128. One undergraduate student and one graduate student shall sit with the Committee. [See Bylaw 128.E.] The Vice Chair shall be chosen in accordance with Bylaw 128.D. (Am 28 May 2003):
    2. Duties. Consistent with Bylaw 40 the Committee shall: (Am 28 May 2003)
      1. Confer with and advise the President and agencies of the University Administration on policy regarding planning and budget matters and resource allocations.
      2. Initiate studies in planning and budget matters. (Am 28 May 2003)
  • 192. Preparatory Education

    (Formerly numbered 215) (Am 4 June 91; CC 28 May 2003)
    1. Membership shall be determined in accordance with Bylaw 128 and include one member appointed from the Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools (BOARS). One undergraduate student and one graduate student shall sit with the Committee. [See Bylaw 128.E.] The Vice Chair shall be chosen in accordance with Bylaw 128.D. (Am 28 May 2003)
    2. Duties. Consistent with Bylaw 40 the Committee shall: (Am 28 May 2003)
      1. Advise the President and appropriate agencies of the Senate on matters relating to preparatory and remedial education, including the language needs of students from diverse linguistic backgrounds. (Am 28 May 2003)
      2. Monitor and conduct periodic reviews and evaluations of preparatory and remedial education.
      3. Supervise the University of California Entry Level Writing Requirement with special emphasis on establishing appropriate and uniform Universitywide standards for the University of California Analytical Writing Placement Exam [formerly called the Subject A Examination]. (Am 19 Feb 2004)
      4. Monitor the development and use of placement examinations in mathematics.
      5. Work with BOARS to communicate these standards to all high schools and colleges in the State of California.
      6. Monitor campuses' implementation of Senate Regulation 761.
      7. Facilitate the establishment of Divisional committees with comparable responsibilities, and promote communication between them.
      8. Report on preparatory and remedial education to the Academic Council, the Assembly, and the other appropriate Senate agencies. (Am 30 Nov 83)
  • 195. Privilege and Tenure

    1. Membership shall be determined in accordance with Bylaw 128. The Vice Chair shall be chosen in accordance with Bylaw 128.D. (Am 28 May 2003)
    2. Duties. Consistent with Bylaw 40 the committee shall: (Am 23 May 01; Am 28 May 2003)
      1. Advise the President, the Academic Senate and its Divisions, and the Divisional Privilege and Tenure Committees on general policies involving academic privileges and tenure [see Bylaw 334 ]. (Am 25 May 76; EC 28 May 2003)
      2. Constitute special Hearing Committees as provided for in Bylaw 336.A. (EC 28 May 2003)
      3. Maintain statistical records of the grievance, disciplinary, and early termination cases taking place on each of the campuses, as specified in Bylaw 334.B . (EC 28 May 2003)
  • 200. Research Policy

    1. Membership shall be determined in accordance with Bylaw 128. One undergraduate student and one graduate student shall sit with the Committee. [See Bylaw 128.E.] The Vice Chair shall be chosen in accordance with Bylaw 128.D. (Am 26 May 82; Am 6 May 86; Am 4 May 89; Am 28 May 2003)
    2. Duties. Consistent with Bylaw 40, the Committee shall consider matters pertaining to: (Am 28 May 2003)
      1. Fostering research;
      2. Formulating, coordinating, and revising general research policies and procedures;
      3. Advising the President on research. Questions of policy and their implementation may be initiated by this committee, referred to it by the President, or brought to its attention by Divisions. (Am 15 Jun 72, 25 May 82)
  • 205. Rules and Jurisdiction - Part I

    [See Legislative Ruling 12.93.A-B ] [Protected -- see Bylaw 116.E ]
    1. Membership

      The committee shall consist of five members, two chosen from the Chairs of the Divisional Committees on Rules and Jurisdiction and three members at large. Members at large shall serve for three years, other members for three years or until they cease to hold the office of Chair of the Divisional Committees on Rules and Jurisdiction, whichever is less. The Chair shall be chosen from the members at large. No member shall be simultaneously a member of the Assembly.

    2. Duties
      1. It shall be the duty of this committee, immediately prior to the preparation of the call for every regular meeting of the Assembly, to examine all Divisional legislation of which it has received notice since its last examination. If the committee judges that any Divisional legislation substantially affects more than one Division or the statewide University, it shall refer such Divisional action to the Assembly with a statement of its opinion concerning jurisdiction over the matter [see Bylaw 311.A ]; this opinion shall be included in the call for the next meeting of the Assembly. Such a decision by the Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction shall be subject to the provisions for referendum only as specified in Bylaw 75 ; the final date for filing a request or petition shall be twenty-one days after the call for the meeting is put in the mail.
      2. It shall be the duty of this committee to prepare and to report to the Assembly or to any of the Divisions such changes and additions to the Bylaws and Regulations as may seem to it advisable.
      3. This committee is further charged with the formal supervision of all changes in Bylaws and Regulation proposed to the Assembly by other committees or by individuals, and with the editorship of the publication, at such intervals as may seem expedient, of the Manual of the Academic Senate .
      4. It is authorized to make editorial and conforming non-substantive changes in the Bylaws and Regulations with regard to numbering, headings, cross-references, organizational titles, details of style, and similar items. It shall report such changes to the organizations directly concerned, and publish them in the call for the next meeting of the Assembly.
      5. It is authorized to submit to all Faculties and Councils such amendments to their Bylaws as may seem advisable.
      6. Neither this Bylaw as a whole nor any part of it shall be added to, amended, or repealed except by action of the Assembly as specified in Bylaw 116.E , and ratified by two-thirds of the votes cast in a mail ballot of the voting members of the Academic Senate.
  • 206. Rules and Jurisdiction - Part II

    [See Legislative Ruling 12.93.A-B ]
    1. Legislative Rulings. The committee shall issue Legislative Rulings interpreting the Code of the Academic Senate at the request of a member of the Academic Council, a chair of a University Committee, or a chair of a Divisional Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction. Prior to issuance of a ruling, the position of the committee as to what such ruling should be shall be submitted to the Academic Council for consideration and comment. After considering such comment, the committee shall issue its ruling and report it to the Assembly for its information. Rulings shall be included in an Appendix to the Code of the Academic Senate and shall have the status of Senate legislation until modified by legislative or Divisional action. [see Bylaw 80.A.5 ]
    2. Challenges. The committee shall hear and decide challenges to any action of a University committee alleged to be contrary to the Code of the Academic Senate . Challenges must be submitted to the committee in writing signed by no fewer than ten Senate members, and may be made without time limitations. Challenges to the actions of a Divisional Committee of the Academic Senate shall be heard and decided by the Divisional Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction, or such other agency as the Divisional Bylaws may designate, subject to appeal to the University Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction. No challenges can be made to findings on the merits of a particular case by a Committee on Privilege and Tenure or a Divisional Committee on Academic Personnel or its equivalent. The committee shall issue its decisions on challenges and appeals either in the form of Legislative Rulings or by such other methods as the Committee may deem appropriate to the circumstances. Legislative Rulings shall be issued in accordance with the procedures set forth in Senate Bylaw 206.A. Decisions rendered other than in the form of Legislative Rulings may be appealed to the Academic Council, whose decision shall be final. (Am 7 Mar 72; EC Jun 78; Am 23 May 96)
    3. Requests. The committee shall respond to informal requests from Senate members for information concerning the Code of the Academic Senate , and shall file with the Secretary/Parliamentarian of the Senate, and summarize in its annual committee report, all correspondence containing committee response to such requests.
    4. Manual Supervision. The committee shall supervise: (a) the inclusion of all Assembly-approved variances to Senate Regulations in an Appendix to the Manual of the Academic Senate , and (b) the preparation of Divisional manuals in accordance with Bylaw 80.C.
  • 210. Student Affirmative Action

    [Incorporated in Bylaw 140 by action of the Assembly, 12 May 2004]
  • 215. Preparatory Education

    (Renumbered to 192) (Am 4 Jun 91; Am 28 May 2003)
  • 220. Undergraduate Scholarships, Honors, and Prizes

    [Abolished by action of the Assembly, 20 Nov 1985]
  • 225. University Extension

    [Abolished by action of the Assembly, 20 Nov 1985]

Title V. Faculties Directly Subject to the Jurisdiction of the Assembly

  • 230. General Provisions

    Faculties established by the Assembly of the Academic Senate in the absence of a Division on a campus are directly subject to the jurisdiction of the Assembly until a Division is established. [See Bylaw 116.B ]
  • 235. School of Public Health (Berkeley - San Francisco)

    (See Bylaw 50.A ) (Repealed 12/12/05)
    1. Membership. The Faculty of the School of Public Health (Berkeley - San Francisco) shall consist of:
      1. The President of the University;
      2. The Chancellors at Berkeley and San Francisco;
      3. The Provost, Professional Schools and Colleges (Berkeley);
      4. All members of the Department of Biomedical and Environmental Health Sciences and the Department of Social and Administrative Health Sciences of the School of Public Health (Berkeley - San Francisco) who are members of the Academic Senate;
      5. Members of the Academic Senate selected from the Faculty concerned, as specified below:
        1. Two representatives each from the College of Natural Resources (Berkeley), the College of Letters and Science (Berkeley), and the School of Medicine (San Francisco);
        2. One representative each from the College of Chemistry (Berkeley), College of Engineering (Berkeley), College of Environmental Design (Berkeley), School of Business Administration (Berkeley), School of Dentistry (San Francisco), School of Education (Berkeley), School of Nursing (San Francisco), School of Pharmacy (San Francisco), School of Social Welfare (Berkeley), and School of Veterinary Medicine (Davis). (Am 21 Jan 74, 6 May 76; CC 11 Nov 74; EC 7 Dec 76)