Notice, June 1996

Senate's Assembly
Meets in May at Irvine

At its meeting on May 23, the Universitywide Assembly gave its approval to several pieces of Senate legislation and elected, as next year's Vice-Chair of the Assembly and Academic Council, Sandra Weiss, a professor of nursing and psychology at UC, San Francisco.

Meeting in Irvine, the Assembly also heard reports on the state of the Senate and University from President Richard Atkinson and from Academic Council Chair Arnold Leiman. Chairs of the standing statewide Senate committees also gave updates on the work of their groups and on issues facing the University.

The Assembly approved legislation under which the chair and vice-chair of the Council of UC Emeriti Associations (CUCEA) will henceforth have ex-officio positions on the Senate's University Committee on Faculty Welfare (UCFW). It also approved modifications to Senate Bylaw 206.B and 70 that raised from five to 10 the number of petitioners required to challenge the actions of a Divisional Senate committee; the legislation on 206.B also specifies that challenges to the actions of a divisional committee must be heard first by a divisional Rules & Jurisdiction Committee, after which an appeal may be undertaken by the Universitywide Rules & Jurisdiction Committee. The Assembly also approved modifications to Senate Bylaws 312 and 315 that will grant divisions greater flexibility with respect to the internal distribution of Divisional meeting calls and minutes.