Notice, April 1996

Senate's Assembly Will Meet in May

The Academic Senate's Universitywide Assembly will hold its spring meeting on Thursday, May 23, at UC, Irvine. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. in the Monarch Bay Rooms of UCI's Student Center.

The Universitywide Assembly, the governing body of the statewide Academic Senate, is composed of Senate leaders and representatives from all nine campuses of the University. The agenda for the Assembly's May meeting will include remarks by President Atkinson and by Arnold Leiman, chair of both the Assembly and its executive committee, the Academic Council. Assembly members also will be asked to elect a vice-chair of the Assembly and Academic Council for 1996-97; the vice chair of the Assembly and Council normally succeeds to the chairmanship of those bodies. Nominations for the post will come from the Council itself and may come from the floor of the Assembly meeting as well.

The Assembly also will be asked to consider a change in Senate Bylaws that would modify the way emeritus faculty are named to positions on the Senate's University Committee on Faculty Welfare (UCFW).Other Bylaw modifications may also be considered at the meeting. Further information on the Assembly meeting may be obtained by calling campus Academic Senate offices or the Academic Council office at (510) 987-9458.