Notice, December 1995

Memorial Balloting Process

Academic Council Chair Arnold Leiman said in November that he expects ballots on the proposed in-residence memorial to be sent to all UC Senate members late in January. Accompanying the ballot itself will be statements for and against the memorial's proposition, with both sets of statements drawn up by the Academic Council. The Council, in turn, will work from preliminary drafts of the statements prepared by the University Committee on Academic Personnel (UCAP) and the University Committee on Faculty Welfare (UCFW).

The last time the Senate had a memorial vote was late in 1986, on the question of extension of Senate membership to professors in the clinical series. The current memorial vote, Leiman said, will be conducted in accordance with the precedent set by the 1986 balloting. Once results of the voting are tallied, Leiman will send them to President Atkinson for transmission to the UC Regents.