University of California Seal



Sidney C. Madden, M.D.

Professor and Chair, Department of Pathology, Emeritus

Los Angeles



Sid Madden enjoyed a long, productive and pleasurable life. He came a long way from the vineyards and orchards of his youth, but Dr. Madden found his niche at UCLA and never forgot his small-town Fresno roots. From his days at Stanford where he met his loving wife Lynn, he proceeded to plunge ahead with a multitude of interests and activities. He was a father, husband and provider, raising with Lynn four children: Kirk, Don, Janet and Carol.

In the late 1940s, orange trees and abandoned military barracks covered the hills that surround the Westwood campus and the Medical Center that stands here today. After attending the best schools, Stanford for his B.A., Johns Hopkins for his medical degree, and Rochester for his residency, where he did research with the Nobel prize winner Dr. Wipple; and after serving on the faculties of both Rochester and Emory and engaging in pioneer research in radiation biology and radiation carcinogenesis at Brookhaven, Dr. Madden did not hesitate to answer Dr. Stafford Warren’s call.

He returned to California in the midst of orange trees and the barracks to serve as the first chairman of pathology at UCLA in 1951. Dr. Madden was part of the early team that migrated to Westwood to start the School of Medicine (1942-1952). With cheerfulness, enthusiasm, optimism and curiosity, Dr. Madden helped build the UCLA Medical School into the fine institution that it is. Here he provided the clinical teachers of this new medical school with students properly educated in the mechanisms of disease, confident that this knowledge would make them better doctors. For that purpose he surrounded himself with dedicated teachers, competent diagnosticians and scholars. Legions of students and colleagues can attest to the quality and leadership of the forerunners of the current department. Their inspiration and dedication were the impetus at the beginning and through the years. Dr. Harrison Latta, Dr. Foos, Dr. Gussen, Dr. Lamson, Dr. Raymond, Dr. Coulson, Dr. Anderson, Dr. Arquilla, and many others are a vivid testimony to Sid’s achievements. Besides his love of teaching and research in pathology, people were important at all levels, from residents and student fellows, to those in the professional series. Dr. Madden put a priority on people working together and the needs of the patients and their physicians ahead of their own personal concerns. A list of members of the department up to 1989 totaled 1,150 – a surprisingly large number. Dr. Madden would appreciate the present leadership of the department in stimulating our personnel to work for the common good.

Dr. Madden was an outdoorsman who loved hiking and camping and fishing in the Sierras, or swimming at the beach in Santa Cruz. He liked the physical life in order to balance the hours of concentrated study and teaching. Dr. Madden was an opera and movie buff and a sports fan, going to the UCLA football games and the great UCLA basketball games of the John Wooden era. He took up tennis in mid-life and was a vigorous competitor. Then he found a new career as a runner, entering many track meets, including the Senior Olympics in America, Canada and Europe. Dr. Madden and his wife Lynn loved to travel, crossing the U.S. many times. They were in Europe, Japan and the Far East, India and North America. He was a diarist and recorder of life and experiences, keeping journals of what he observed. Sid took sabbaticals in Japan and Oxford, England which were very rewarding. Always active, never bored.

We remember Dr. Madden for what he gave us and all who followed him. He opened the road, gave us a blueprint and an example for fulfilling our responsibilities, dedication in teaching, precision in diagnosis and a lifetime pursuit of scholarship. We consider Carol, Janet, Don and Kirk part of our department family. They represent a living legacy that we can treasure and enjoy.

Thank you, Sid, for a life of commitment to duty.

Harrison Latta

Julien L. Van Lancker

Kirk Madden